Wednesday, March 5, 2008

How does Glutathione help in Parkinson's Disease?

Glutathione has been proved to be very beneficial in treating Parkinson’s disease due to several factors.

· First of all, glutathione with its unique ability makes certain areas of the brain more sensitive to dopamine. Therefore, even if the dopamine level decreases, it yet becomes more effective.
· Secondly, glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant and performs the function of protecting the brain from the damage caused by free radicals.
· Thirdly, glutathione is also helpful in treating Parkinson’s disease due to its powerful detoxification ability.

Studies suggest that most of the Parkinson’s patient’s are unable to detoxify various chemicals to which they are exposed.

Pesticides and other toxins enter into our bodies through the air we breadth, food we eat and water we drink. But as a result of this, not everyone develops Parkinson’s disease. Only those persons develop this disease who have a fault in their detoxification pathways. These persons are also at a far greater risk of brain damaging as an effect of a wide variety of toxins.

Glutathione is one of the major components involved in the liver’s detoxification system. Hence, Glutathione therapy is one of the most helpful techniques for improving liver and brain detoxification.

Glutathione treatments have proved to considerably improve some of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease like difficulties with rigidity, walking and other body movements, coordination and speech. Also there is a reduction of tremor and also a decrease in depression.

MaxGXL has been proven to raise glutathione levels by approximately 250-400% in humans as proven by tests in lymphocytes.

Order MaxGXL at

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