Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Glutathione deficiency leads to development of two diseases, Fybromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which are quite similar to each other. They are so much similar that at times it becomes difficult to distinguish one from the other.

The diseases, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, have many similar symptoms like muscle pain, joint pain, severe fatigue, headaches, memory loss, lack of concentration, depression, weakness etc.

The clinical similarities between these two diseases include:
  • Reduction in blood flow in the cerebral cortex and midbrain
  • Restraint of the hypothalamic pituitary axis
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Reduction in the levels of growth hormone
  • Lower serotonin levels
  • Presence of a genetic component

Although FM and CFS have many similarities, they have some differences too. One of the simplest differences between FM and CFS is that, FM is accompanied by pain which is its most predominant symptom. CFS on the other hand, is accompanied by extreme fatigue which is its most predominant symptom.

The other differences in the symptoms of FM and CFS are:

  • Substance P, a neurotransmitter transmitting pain signals, is prominent in FM but not CFS.
  • RNaseL, which is a cellular antiviral enzyme, frequently becomes prominent in CFS but not in FM.
  • Often CFS is caused by an infectious illness and FM is caused by some kind of injury to the body.

Improved glutathione levels should be present in the bodies of the patients of FM and CFS so that they can fight against further progress of these diseases as well as get some relief.

MaxGXL helps FM and CFS patients to improve the glutathione levels in the body by helping in increasing the glutathione production by the body cells in a natural manner. MaxGXL is a very affordable and the ONLY PROVEN METHOD to creating more glutathione in your body

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lots of links to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome treatments are here:-

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Links