Antioxidants play a very important role in maintaining our good health. Our body’s master antioxidant is Glutathione which protects the living cells from all the free radicals and toxins that enter into our body through the environmental pollutants present in the water we drink, the food we eat and even the air that we breathe in.
Glutathione is made up of three protein building blocks, called amino acids (glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine). It is produced by every living cell of our body. It is not only the body’s master antioxidant but is also the body’s immune booster and detoxifier.
The cells of our body produce glutathione so that it can protect all the living cells of the body from the harm caused by the free radicals. The presence of sufficient amount of glutathione in the body is very essential, especially in the organs like liver and brain, so that the different diseases do not develop.
Being the body’s master antioxidant, glutathione reduces the free radicals present in our body and also prevents the destruction and the deterioration of the living cells caused by them. If there is a glutathione deficiency in the body different problems like stress, tremor, sleeplessness, loss of memory etc. start to develop.
Glutathione levels may drop in the body due to various reasons like increasing age or development of certain diseases. MaxGXL helps to increase the glutathione level in the body by helping the body cells to increase the glutathione production on an average of 200%.
MaxGXL is the only glutathione nutraceutical that can be quantified and verified. MaxGXL has the components of glutathione that cause the body to produce it. MaxGXL is not glutathione itself, as ingesting glutathione will not yield any results, it will just be flushed from the body.