Thursday, February 26, 2009

How To Lose Weight Easily and Permanently

Although there are a number of diet supplements that claim to burn body fat quickly and easily, there aren't many that produce permanent weight loss. Medical experts researching body fat and solutions to obesity have discovered an important relationship between fat loss and leptin, a messenger protein produced by fat cells.

Scientists found that the leptin level in our bloodstream is directly proportional to the amount of fat present in our bodies. Therefore, obese test subjects were shown to have higher levels of leptin compared to a thinner subjects. Moreover, higher leptin levels lead to the further accumulation of fat in the body creating a vicious cycle of perpetual weight gain.

Leptin sends messages to the brain which control the appetite of a person. An individual with low leptin levels will also have control over his appetite. While elevated leptin levels result in what is known as "leptin resistance", or the desensitization of the brain to hear signals to "stop eating" or "burn fat".

In short, losing body fat permanently and safely healthy leptin levels. Max International's MaxWLX is an new kind of diet supplement that addresses leptin resistance. To learn more about this medically proven product, please visit

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