Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Connection between Leptin and Permanent Loss of Body Fat

Recent studies on factors related to weight gain and retention suggest a biological reason that is often overlooked or unexplored. Scientists have discovered the connection between a messenger hormone called leptin and weight gain. When leptin levels are high, it becomes increasingly harder to lose weight and keep it off.

Leptin is named after ‘leptos’, the Greek term for thin. It is a hormone released by the fat cells. Among the number of functions performed by leptin, one of its major functions is to control the appetite.

When an individual loses body fat, leptin levels drop and when there is an accumulation of body fat,leptin levels increase. Higher levels of leptin lead to further weight gain. Therefore, if an individual is interested in losing body fat permanently, it is essential that he/she looks for solutions that take leptin into consideration.
Max International’s MaxWLX is a clinically proven formula that has helped many overweight people lose weight efficiently, safely and permanently, by successfully reducing leptin levels.
To buy this amazing product or for more information on it, you can visit

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