Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Have you heard of Glutathione?

If you don’t know what it is, glutathione (GSH) is one of the most important molecules in the human body. It acts as the master antioxidant, detoxifier and immune booster. Glutathione is produced by the cells themselves to provide defense. It is very important to maintain high levels of glutathione to ensure the smooth functioning of all vital organs.

Boosting glutathione levels helps to prevent various diseases like arthritis, cancer, dementia, and many more. It also helps to slow down the aging process. The problem is that we begin to lose glutathione as we age. Studies show that after the age of 20, glutathione levels begin to decrease.

Thousands of articles have been published that discuss the significance of glutathione, many focusing on the adverse affects of glutathione deficiency. While there are several supplements that claim to boost glutathione levels, until recently the only way to effeciently absorb more glutathione was through an expensive injection.

After 10 years of development, acclaimed physician Dr. Robert Keller has created a formula that gives your body what it needs to produce more glutathione itself. Max International’s amazing product MaxGXL is medically proven to increase GSH levels. This unique product is a breakthrough you don't want to miss!

For more information about glutathione and MasGXL,you can visit http://www.themaxsite.com/

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