Thursday, December 11, 2008

Weight Loss the Right Way

Nationwide surveys suggest 50% of the adult population is overweight, 25% of whom are considered obese. Regular consumption of junk food, lack of physical activity, and genetic disorders are some of the major factors contributing to this unhealthy trend.

Surgery, diet programs, and weight loss supplements are a few of the ways people try to lose weight. Unfortunately, most regain lost body fat once they stop using the designated weight loss program. Many dieters have not considered an important biological factor that may be keeping them fat, malfunction of the leptin communication system. Messages between the brain and fat cells are delivered by way of a hormone called leptin. The secret to losing weight permanently is by reducing and balancing leptin levels in your body.

When we consistently overeat, the fat gained sends out too much leptin which overwhelms the brain and body so they ignore the message to "stop eating--start burning fat". This creates a vicious cycle: fat cells keep creating more leptin in an attempt to be heard, resulting in the storing of even more fat. This cycle is commonly referred to as leptin resistance. In order to control and reduce body fat, leptin levels should be controlled and reduced. A weight loss program that addresses leptin levels, rather than burning body fat alone, is more successful and healthy in the long run.

Max International’s MaxWLX is gaining popularity amongst people serious about weight loss. For more information on this smart product, you can visit

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