Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Balance Leptin Levels to Lose Weight

Leptin is an essential hormone that regulates hunger and fat storage. It is one of the most important adipose derived hormones.

Fat cells themselves actually produce leptin. It is regarded as the primary messenger in maintaining a healthy metabolism and regulating body weight. Leptin tells the brain how much fat to burn and how much to store. It controls the appetite and metabolic rate. In addition to weight management, leptin plays an important role in combating the effects of aging.

Too much leptin overwhelms the brain so the body ignores the signal to "stop eating" and "start burning". This is the problem: too many fat cells make too much leptin which leads to more weight. It is an unhealthy cycle commonly called "leptin resistance" and is a major factor in the weight gain cycle.

MaxWLX was developed to permanently balance leptin levels. This exclusive formula supplies the needed components that allow your body to properly hear and respond to leptin's important messages. Max WLX addresses the root of the problem (leptin resistance) and provides a stable solution to rid the body of excess weight forever.

To learn more about the MaxWLX product, visit: www.maxwlx.com

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