Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is a type of viral infection which adversely affects our respiratory system. People of all ages are suseptible; however, children and eldery people with weak immune systems are the most vulnerable.
Influenza has similar symptoms to a normal cold like: runny nose, sneezing, and sore throat. However, in case of influenza, these symptoms are much more severe and are accompanied by chills, fever, headaches, weakness, dry cough and severe fatigue. Children may experience vomiting and diarrhea as well.
While there are several preventitive measures to take in fighting the flu, many doctors that increasing glutathione levels, in order to strengthen the immune system, is the best way to combat influenza.
Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant and natural immune booster. It is produced by the cells themselves. Unfortunately,cells produce lower levels of glutathione as we age or become ill.
Max International’s MaxGXL is an effective and affordable supplement that dramatically improves glutathione levels in a short period of time. Moreover, it is known to have no side effects.
To purchase MaxGXL or for more information on it, you can visit
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