Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a disease which is not very well understood. This disease is mainly marked by severe chronic mental and physical exhaustion. Some of the main symptoms of this disease are:
• Fatigue: Unexpected and regular physical and mental fatigue is one of the major symptoms of CFS. Due to this the capability of performing regular activities to reduced to a great extent. This kind of fatigue is not overcome even by rest.
• Loss of stamina: Low stamina is another symptom of CFS.
• Disturbances in sleep: Fewer amounts of sleep or disturbances in sleep are also symptoms of CFS. However it is not a very critical factor in CFS.
• Pain: Severe muscle and joint pain which is migratory in nature is also a symptom of CFS. Headaches, abdominal pain and sore throat may also be present.
• Presence of Neurological disorders.
• Weakened immune system, etc.
Glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant, immune booster and detoxifier is known to help people suffering from CFS. If glutathione is present in sufficient amount in the body, the immune system is strengthened and also the energy level is built up in the body. Therefore, patients suffering from CFS do not get tired easily and can do their regular activities without any problem.
But with age and certain illnesses the glutathione level drops in the body. MaxGXL helps to raise the glutathione level in the body, naturally, by helping the body cells to accelerate the glutathione production. Therefore with improved glutathione level in the body, the CFS patients can overcome the various symptoms of CFS.
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