Friday, May 16, 2008

The relation between Fibromyalgia and Glutathione

Different symptoms like muscle pain, bone pain, joint pain, fatigue etc accompany fibromyalgia which is a chronic syndrome. It may be genetically inherited by a person. However this disease is not contagious.

Studies have suggested that there are more chances of developing the disease in the cases of females compared to males. 2 % of the total population is diagnosed with the disease. It is found that most of the patients of fibromyalgia belong to the age group between 20 to 50 years.

Fibromyalgia itself is not a fatal disease. The severity of the symptoms keeps on changing from time to time. Some symptoms worsen with time. However, most of the symptoms of fibromyalgia remain constant and do not change even with time.

Glutathione, if present in adequate amount in the body, can help to control and gradually get relief from fibromyalgia. It is proved in many studies that increased levels of glutathione help to overcome many symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Glutathione is produced by the body cells themselves and intake of oral glutathione is not much effective in increasing the level of glutathione in the body. This is so because the glutathione molecules are too large to be absorbed by the body. Unlike other glutathione supplements, MaxGXL helps to increase the glutathione level in the body, naturally, by helping the body cells to accelerate the glutathione production.

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