Monday, March 31, 2008

Crucial role of Glutathione as the body’s Master Antioxidant

Antioxidants play a very important role in maintaining our good health. Our body’s master antioxidant is Glutathione which protects the living cells from all the free radicals and toxins that enter into our body through the environmental pollutants present in the water we drink, the food we eat and even the air that we breathe in.

Glutathione is made up of three protein building blocks, called amino acids (glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine). It is produced by every living cell of our body. It is not only the body’s master antioxidant but is also the body’s immune booster and detoxifier.

The cells of our body produce glutathione so that it can protect all the living cells of the body from the harm caused by the free radicals. The presence of sufficient amount of glutathione in the body is very essential, especially in the organs like liver and brain, so that the different diseases do not develop.

Being the body’s master antioxidant, glutathione reduces the free radicals present in our body and also prevents the destruction and the deterioration of the living cells caused by them. If there is a glutathione deficiency in the body different problems like stress, tremor, sleeplessness, loss of memory etc. start to develop.

Glutathione levels may drop in the body due to various reasons like increasing age or development of certain diseases. MaxGXL helps to increase the glutathione level in the body by helping the body cells to increase the glutathione production on an average of 200%.

MaxGXL is the only glutathione nutraceutical that can be quantified and verified. MaxGXL has the components of glutathione that cause the body to produce it. MaxGXL is not glutathione itself, as ingesting glutathione will not yield any results, it will just be flushed from the body.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Importance of Glutathione in the Liver

The proper functioning of the liver is very important for maintaining the overall good health of a person. The functioning of the liver depends upon the level of antioxidants, like glutathione, present in it. If the liver stops functioning efficiently due to lower level of glutathione supply, the cells, tissues and other organs of the body gradually start to deteriorate. Gradually many symptoms start showing up which in the long run can develop into fatal diseases.

The liver is one of the most important organs present in the body and performs the following essential functions:

  • Detoxifies the toxins and chemicals present in the body.
  • Regulate the blood sugar levels.
  • Produce bile which helps in the digestion of fats.
  • Produce and store essential body proteins.
  • Regulate various hormones.
  • Break down the free radicals and prevent the harm which it can cause etc.

The liver performs all the above mentioned essential functions with the help of the antioxidant supply. Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant and detoxifier without which the liver cannot perform its functions efficiently.

Good levels of glutathione needs to be present in the liver because liver is the organ where all the toxins get collected and glutathione needs to detoxify the toxin compounds so that they become harmless for the living cells of the body and also protect the body from the different diseases.

MaxGXL will help the body to produce on an average of 200% more glutathione which has proved to generate incredible results from reducing inflammation at the cellular level, to enhancing athletic performance to helping people sleep better at night and more energy overall.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Improved Glutathione levels - a protection from cancer

Clinical studies and researches conducted for over 25 years have proven that improving the glutathione level in the body can not only protect you from developing cancer but can also help you to fight the existing cancer and improve and lessen the side effects caused by the common cancer therapies used for treating the disease.

The studies found that:
Glutathione helps in preventing cancer development by strengthening the body’s immune system which finds out and destroys the cancer cells.

Glutathione helps to fight against the cancer cells which are already present in the body by automatically raising the glutathione levels in the normal tissues and reducing its levels in the cancer cells. Therefore, the cancer cells become more vulnerable to damage and removal by the immune system.

Improved glutathione levels helps in making the traditional Chemo and Radiotherapy treatments more effective by strengthening the healthy cells and weakening the cancerous cells which makes them more inclined.

It helps to improve many side effects and consequences of cancer like severe weight loss. It also helps with the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments by making the healthy cells stronger and removing the left over of chemo drugs.

There are many other benefits of improved glutathione levels for cancer patients as well as for healthy people to protect themselves from developing this fatal disease.

MaxGXL is the only product that will help your body to create on an average of 250% more glutathione.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Glutathione – the brain’s antioxidant defender

Free radicals lead to development and progression of many brain disorders like brain injury, neurodegenerative diseases etc. Glutathione being the brain's master antioxidant plays an important role in protecting the brain from these free radicals and the harm caused by them.

Studies have shown that among all the organs present in our body, our brain is most vulnerable to attack of free radicals as it generates more oxidative by-products than any other organ in the body. Glutathione deficiency in the brain leads to the progression of many neurological and psychiatric diseases caused by these free radicals.

Generation of reactive free radicals and oxidative damage are the main causes responsible for death of brain cells due to brain injury. Presence of good levels of glutathione in the brain prevents the death of cells from brain injury.

Studies have suggested that, the cells in males and females react in different ways to the brain injuries. After a brain injury, the glutathione level was found to remain constant in the case of females but was found to drop by 80% in case of males with the same brain injury.

The death rate of brain cells become faster when there is depletion in the glutathione level. Therefore, it is suggested that the males with a brain injury will be subjected to shorter survival period compared to females with the same brain injury.

Improved glutathione level can help patients with brain injuries to prevent death of brain cells and also help to improve the longevity.

MaxGXl will help the body to manufacture on the average of 200% more glutathione, which helps the brain cells to rebuild themselves much more quickly.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Glutathione – a powerful antioxidant, detoxifier and immune booster

Glutathione is a very important antioxidant, detoxifier and immune booster present in our body which performs a number of essential functions. It is present and produced by every cell in our body. Our survival quite often remains dependent on it. The vital organs of our body, like the liver, would be filled with toxins and impurities if this protein/peptide is absent from our body.
The nervous system of our body is adversely affected when there is Glutathione deficiency. Low levels of glutathione leads to lack of coordination, poor balance, memory loss and other problems.
The production of GSH by the body cells reduces naturally with increasing age. Lower level of glutathione in the body, on the other hand, speeds up the aging process. However increasing age is not the only reason which leads to depletion of GSH. Other factors like genetics and illnesses also reduce the glutathione level in the body.

Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant, detoxifier and immune booster which perform the following important functions in the body:
· It helps to slow down the aging process and also improves the condition of the skin.
· It helps to metabolize the carbohydrates.
· It helps to prevent the oxidation of cells and aids in the oxidation of fats.
· It strengthens the immune system and helps the body to resist different illnesses.
· It provides protection to the red and white blood cells.
· It protects the body from any kind of oxidative damage.

If there is a depletion of glutathione in your body, MaxGXL can help you to increase the glutathione level in your body by helping the body cells to increase the glutathione production in a natural manner.

MaxGXL is a very affordable and the ONLY PROVEN METHOD to creating more glutathione in your body.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Glutathione Helping HIV (AIDS) Patients

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, commonly known as AIDS, is a number of infections and symptoms which occur due to damage to the immune system.

The numbers of AIDS patients are increasing day by day and no complete cure for this disease is known till know. The treatments which are available, aim at slowing down the progression rate of this deadly disease.

This disease gets transmitted from one person to another through direct contact with the infected body fluid. Accidental exposure to body fluids through open wounds and needle sticks, from an infected mother to her child, contact with infected blood, semen, vaginal fluid, and breast milk leads to the spread of this disease.

Studies and researches have suggested that, an increase in the glutathione level in the body can help patients with HIV (AIDS) to improve their survival.

Glutathione being the body’s master antioxidant, detoxifier and immune booster can help the patients with HIV (AIDS) only when the body has got sufficient level of glutathione. Studies have shown that HIV (AIDS) patients with lower glutathione levels or glutathione deficiency have reduced survival period and are also subjected to progression of the disease in the body at a faster pace.

MaxGXL is known to help patients with HIV and AIDS by helping their body cells to accelerate the glutathione production as much as up to 400% in HIV and AIDS affected patients.

MaxGXL™ provides the proper nutrients needed to promote the body's own ability to manufacture and absorb glutathione. MaxGXL™ also aids in liver support. by destroying environmental toxins, thus helping the liver to function as the main production site and storehouse for glutathione.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Digestive diseases and glutathione

Glutathione is a tri-peptide present in our bodies which protects us from numerous diseases. The relationship between different digestive diseases and glutathione shows a number of ways by which this tri-peptide benefits and protects us.

The digestive tract of our body starts right from our mouth and goes till the opposite end of the bowel. It is a range of connected organs.

The pink tissue, commonly known as gum in the mouth, is the mucous membrane. This tissue lines the entire inner portion of the digestive tract from the starting to the end.

This tissue is the body’s unique tissue and is the fastest healing one too. This tissue has absorbability, therefore, medicines and chemicals can easily penetrate through it. Viruses can also penetrate through it very easily.

Different researches that were conducted, suggested that glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant and detoxifier protects the various organs of the digestive tract.

Glutathione protects the various organs of the digestive track from inflammation, infection, and in some cases also shows its anti-cancer properties.

Some of the diseases caused in the organs of the digestive track can cause discomfort and inconvenience, but at times it can also be life threatening if the prognosis is too late.

Improving the glutathione levels in the body can prevent the organs from getting infected and diseased. MaxGXL can help you to protect yourself from the different digestive diseases by improving the glutathione level in the body by helping in the acceleration of glutathione production by the body cells.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

FAQs on Parkinson's disease

What is Parkinson’s disease?
Parkinson's diseases are a group of neurological disorders affecting the central nervous system by obstructing muscle movement control and also cause certain psychological problems.

What are the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?
Parkinson's disease has many symptoms like muscle rigidity, difficulty in walking, muscle pain, tremors, speech difficulties, failure of fine motor skills, gastrointestinal difficulties, loss of sexual function, depression, confusion, memory loss etc. Parkinson’s disease patient were found to have lower levels of glutathione People over 50 years of age are at an increased rate of risk of developing this disease as they have lower levels of glutathione.

Causes behind Parkinson's diseases?
Parkinson's diseases are caused by decline of the brain cells that control the various movements of the body. This decline slows down dopamine production and become an obstacle in the ability of the nerves to send messages to the muscles. As a result of this muscles lose the ability to function properly. Also lower levels of glutathione in the body are one of the causes behind progression of this disease.

What Parkinson's treatments are available?
Parkinson’s disease cannot be completely uprooted but the symptoms can be controlled to a great extent. There are certain medications available to treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Good levels of glutathione in the body can help patients with Parkinson’s disease.

MaxGxl helps to increase the glutathione levels in the body by helping the body cells to accelerate its production. MaxGXL is a very affordable and the ONLY PROVEN METHOD to creating more glutathione in your body.
MAXGXL is available here (link to at very affordable prices.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Glutathione: immune system support and recovery

Glutathione is a tripeptide present in our body produced by the body cells. It is made up of three amino acids -glutamic acid, cysteine, and glycine.

Glutathione is rated as the body’s master antioxidant which occurs in the body naturally. It is present in almost all the living cells because without it the cells can't survive. It is very necessary that good glutathione levels should be present in the body as it has major effects on health at the various molecular, cellular and organ levels. A well maintained glutathione level supports the body’s immune system to prevent various diseases as well as help in quicker recovery from these diseases.

However glutathione levels reduce in the body due to various reasons such as old age or development of certain diseases. There are many glutathione supplements available in the market, in different forms, to increase the glutathione level. But taking glutathione orally does not help in increasing the glutathione level efficiently as they are not properly absorbed, as the glutathione molecules are too large to be absorbed by the body.

MaxGXL helps the cells of the body to increase the production of glutathione. Therefore it helps in maintaining an adequate glutathione level in the body, so that, recovery and optimal health is supported and enhanced.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Glutathione deficiency leads to development of two diseases, Fybromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which are quite similar to each other. They are so much similar that at times it becomes difficult to distinguish one from the other.

The diseases, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, have many similar symptoms like muscle pain, joint pain, severe fatigue, headaches, memory loss, lack of concentration, depression, weakness etc.

The clinical similarities between these two diseases include:
  • Reduction in blood flow in the cerebral cortex and midbrain
  • Restraint of the hypothalamic pituitary axis
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Reduction in the levels of growth hormone
  • Lower serotonin levels
  • Presence of a genetic component

Although FM and CFS have many similarities, they have some differences too. One of the simplest differences between FM and CFS is that, FM is accompanied by pain which is its most predominant symptom. CFS on the other hand, is accompanied by extreme fatigue which is its most predominant symptom.

The other differences in the symptoms of FM and CFS are:

  • Substance P, a neurotransmitter transmitting pain signals, is prominent in FM but not CFS.
  • RNaseL, which is a cellular antiviral enzyme, frequently becomes prominent in CFS but not in FM.
  • Often CFS is caused by an infectious illness and FM is caused by some kind of injury to the body.

Improved glutathione levels should be present in the bodies of the patients of FM and CFS so that they can fight against further progress of these diseases as well as get some relief.

MaxGXL helps FM and CFS patients to improve the glutathione levels in the body by helping in increasing the glutathione production by the body cells in a natural manner. MaxGXL is a very affordable and the ONLY PROVEN METHOD to creating more glutathione in your body

Monday, March 17, 2008

Multiple Sclerosis and Glutathione

Multiple Sclerosis is a degenerative disease of the nervous system. Most of the people suffer from these diseases in their old ages. The neurological dysfunctions involve problems like loss of concentration, weakness, vision blurring or stiffness. These symptoms start gradually and then with time turn into severe problems.

Numerous studies were conducted to find the causes behind these diseases. In the studies it was found that there is a close relationship between low levels of glutathione present in the body and the progression of the disease. The lesser the amount of glutathione present the faster was the progression speed of the disease.

Glutathione is the master antioxidant present in the body, which is produced by the body cells themselves. It performs the function of protecting our system from pollution. It provides protection to the DNA and RNA in our body from the damage caused by free-radicals. Glutathione slows down the formation of free radicals in the body which weaken the immune system.

It is very important, especially in the old age, that high levels of glutathione are present and maintained in the body.

Glutathione supplements which are taken orally cannot be absorbed by the body properly. Therefore they do not give efficient results in increasing the level of glutathione in the body. MaxGXL helps in increasing the glutathione levels in the body naturally by helping the body cells to increase the glutathione production.

Dr John Nelson, the 159th president of the American Medical Association said of MaxGXL:

"This product, in my opinion, represents the single most important breakthrough in health that I will witness in my life time. I believe it will revolutionize, change, and transform the practice of medicine world-wide and make Dr Robert Keller more famous than Jonas Salk who created the polio vaccine."

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Glutathione Therapy in Parkinson's Disease

Studies have proved glutathione to be very beneficial in Parkinson’s disease.

Glutathione is known to increase the sensitivity of the brain to dopamine. Therefore, even if glutathione does not increase the dopamine level, it makes its present level more effective. Besides this, glutathione being the body’s master antioxidant and detoxifier protects the brain from any damage caused by the free radicals, toxins and other chemicals.

The persons suffering from Parkinson’s disease are unable to detoxify the chemicals which enter their body.

Those persons who inherit a fault in their detoxification pathways are at a greater risk of suffering from brain damage caused by the toxins which enter the body.

Glutathione therapy is known to improve some of the Parkinson’s disease symptoms like difficulties with walking and other body movements, coordination and speech, less tremor, reduced depression, etc, to a great extent. Therefore, high glutathione levels can be of great help to the patients of Parkinson’s disease.

Intravenous glutathione therapy and intake of glutathione precursors are believed to be effective in boosting intracellular levels of glutathione.

However, oral intake of glutathione does not boost cellular glutathione levels efficiently as glutathione breaks down in the digestive tract before it finally reaches the cells.

MaxGXL helps to increase the glutathione levels in the body by helping the body cells to accelerate the glutathione production through a natural process.

MaxGXL is an amazing breakthrough. Dr John Nelson, the 159th president of the American Medical Association said of MaxGXL:
"This product, in my opinion, represents the single most important breakthrough in health that I will witness in my life time. I believe it will revolutionize, change, and transform the practice of medicine world-wide and make Dr Robert Keller (the formulator of MaxGXL) more famous than Jonas Salk who created the polio vaccine."

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Connection between Brain and Glutathione

The brain is that part of the body which has a control over all the functions that our body performs.

Every cell in our body produces a tripeptide known as glutathione. Presence of good levels of glutathione, in the brain, is very much essential for its proper functioning. Glutathione plays a very important role of protecting the brain too.

Low levels of glutathione in the brain causes many problems like memory loss, sleeplessness, depression etc.

There is a connection between sleep and glutathione. Studies have found that if there is a depletion of glutathione in thalamus and hypothalamus, many sleep related problems occur.
It is known that glutathione detoxifies cells and the detoxification is more active during certain periods of sleep. Oxidized glutathione is an active part of the neurochemical sleep promoting substance present in the brain. Therefore high glutathione levels in the brain helps in getting proper sleep and rest and provide more energy to the body.

The main causes responsible for memory loss are stress, poor diet, toxins, lack of sleep, nutritional deficiencies etc. Glutathione detoxifies the toxins that enter our body and therefore prevents memory loss. Infact, glutathione plays an important role in improving the memory.
People in their old age usually face problems like the one’s mentioned above. Therefore, maintaining a high level of glutathione in the old age can help in preventing the problems caused due to these diseases.

MaxGXL promotes glutathione production on an average of 250%. Most people notice a difference in their body within 1 week. They begin to experience more energy, better focus, sleep better, aches and pains begin to go away. Memory is also improved.

MaxGXL is an amazing breakthrough. Dr John Nelson, the 159th president of the American Medical Association said of MaxGXL:

"This product, in my opinion, represents the single most important breakthrough in health that I will witness in my life time. I believe it will revolutionize, change, and transform the practice of medicine world-wide and make Dr Robert Keller (the formulator of MaxGXL) more famous than Jonas Salk who created the polio vaccine."

Monday, March 10, 2008

Role of glutathione in healing inflammation

Inflammation is the result of a biological response of the vascular tissues present in our body to harmful stimuli like pathogens, irritants and damaged cells. Inflammation is caused when the organisms make a protective effort to remove the injurious stimuli and then start healing the injured tissues.

If inflammations do not occur, the wounds and infections would continue to progress and the tissues would continue to destroy as a measure of protection to the organisms and support to its survival.

However, if prolonged inflammation is left unchecked, it can cause health problems like hay fever, atherosclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Inflammations are of two types: acute and chronic. The initial phase of inflammation is acute inflammation. It is caused due to increased movement of plasma and leukocytes into the injured tissues from the blood. If the inflammation is prolonged, it is known as chronic inflammation, and causes progressive shift in the type of cells present at the area of inflammation. It is distinguished by simultaneous destruction and healing of the tissue from the inflammatory process.

The causes for inflammation are many and one of the major causes is presence of toxins in the body.

Glutathione is the body’s major detoxifier and detoxifies the toxins that enter into our bodies through the various environmental pollutions. If the glutathione level in the body decreases, the adverse effect of toxins increases, as a result of which inflammation occurs. Therefore, to protect our bodies from the harmful toxins, a good level of glutathione should be present in the body.

MaxGXL helps to increase the glutathione level in the body by helping the body cells to accelerate its production on an average of 250%.

MaxGXL is an amazing breakthrough. Dr John Nelson, the 159th president of the American Medical Association said of MaxGXL:
"This product, in my opinion, represents the single most important breakthrough in health that I will witness in my life time. I believe it will revolutionize, change, and transform the practice of medicine world-wide and make Dr Robert Keller (the formulator of MaxGXL) more famous than Jonas Salk who created the polio vaccine."

Friday, March 7, 2008

Glutathione and Cardiovascular Disease

Studies have suggested that, the total glutathione concentration found in the bodies of patients with Cardiovascular Disease, are lower than the glutathione concentration present in the bodies of healthy persons.

During the studies, subgroups of patients with different types of cardiovascular disease, both the cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage, were found to have significantly lower levels of glutathione compared to the control groups.

After making adjustments for certain other puzzling factors, it was found that, the subjects with higher glutathione levels were at lower level of risk of cardiovascular disease than those with lower glutathione levels. This connection was most prominently found in the patients with lacunar infarction or cerebral hemorrhage.

These studies also suggest that reduced plasma total glutathione levels is a risk factor for developing Cardiovascular Disease, especially in cases of cerebral small vessel disease.
Some Australian researchers also established a similar link between glutathione and cardiovascular diseases. The cells were found to become more prone to damage by nitric oxide or peroxynitrite when the glutathione levels in the mitochondria of cultured brain cells were dropped.

Through the studies it was determined that a partial loss of glutathione occurred during cerebral stroke which further continues during the reintroduction of blood into the blocked area. Furthermore, infusion of glutathione monoethylester, a compound that can increase mitochondrial glutathione, decreased the volume of the area rundown of blood. The researchers concluded stating that these recent findings show that alterations in mitochondrial glutathione were likely to contribute to the severity of tissue damage in stroke and also other neurological disorders.

MaxGXL has been proven to raise glutathione levels by approximately 250-400% in humans as proven by tests in lymphocytes.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Relation between cataract and glutathione

A High concentration of glutathione is present in the eye lens, where it performs the function of an essential antioxidant, which is very important for maintaining the tissue's transparency. Thus it acts as a protection against cataracts.

In combination with an active glutathione redox cycle placed in the lens epithelium and superficial cortex, GSH detoxifies potential damaging oxidants such as H2O2 and dehydroascorbic acid.

According to studies conducted recently, it has been indicated that, independent of the cells' ability to detoxify H2O2, GSH has an important hydroxyl radical-scavenging function in lens epithelial cells.

Lower level of GSH leads to damage of the lens epithelial targets such as Na/K-ATPase, certain cytoskeletal proteins and proteins associated with normal membrane permeability, by low levels of oxidant.

The nucleus of the lens has relatively low levels of glutathione, and is most common in the lens of aging persons. However, the exact procedure of how the compound travels from the epithelium to the central region of the organ is yet not known.

The nucleus becomes especially vulnerable to oxidative stress due to relatively low ratio of GSH to protein -SH in the nucleus of the lens along with low activity of the glutathione redox cycle in this region. This has been demonstrated in a recent study with the use of in vivo experimental animal models such as hyperbaric oxygen, UVA light and the glutathione peroxidase knockout mouse.

Thus the studies indicated that high levels of glutathione can help in protecting our eye lens from developing cataract.

MaxGXL has been proven to raise glutathione levels by approximately 250-400% in humans as proven by tests in lymphocytes.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

How does Glutathione help in Parkinson's Disease?

Glutathione has been proved to be very beneficial in treating Parkinson’s disease due to several factors.

· First of all, glutathione with its unique ability makes certain areas of the brain more sensitive to dopamine. Therefore, even if the dopamine level decreases, it yet becomes more effective.
· Secondly, glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant and performs the function of protecting the brain from the damage caused by free radicals.
· Thirdly, glutathione is also helpful in treating Parkinson’s disease due to its powerful detoxification ability.

Studies suggest that most of the Parkinson’s patient’s are unable to detoxify various chemicals to which they are exposed.

Pesticides and other toxins enter into our bodies through the air we breadth, food we eat and water we drink. But as a result of this, not everyone develops Parkinson’s disease. Only those persons develop this disease who have a fault in their detoxification pathways. These persons are also at a far greater risk of brain damaging as an effect of a wide variety of toxins.

Glutathione is one of the major components involved in the liver’s detoxification system. Hence, Glutathione therapy is one of the most helpful techniques for improving liver and brain detoxification.

Glutathione treatments have proved to considerably improve some of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease like difficulties with rigidity, walking and other body movements, coordination and speech. Also there is a reduction of tremor and also a decrease in depression.

MaxGXL has been proven to raise glutathione levels by approximately 250-400% in humans as proven by tests in lymphocytes.

Order MaxGXL at

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


The MaxGXL store just went live! It is now much easier to purchase your items.
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