Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Leptin - For Healthy Living

Leptin regulates energy intake and consumption. It helps control the appetite and metabolism. Fat cells produce leptin and are also managed by its signals to the brain. Excess levels of leptin drown out critical messages and throw a perfect system out of balance. Faulty signals lead to increased fat storage, hunger, and more weight gain. It is a vicious cycle that will not stop until leptin levels are reduced and proper communication, between fat cells and the brain, is restored.

Max WLX is a revolutionary formula that effectively decreases leptin levels and speeds weight loss. In an 8-week, double blind, placebo study, scientists at the University of Connecticut documented 90% greater fat loss in subjects taking Max WLX than the placebo group. Because Max WLX lowers leptin levels, it helps your body regain its sensitivity to this important appetite regulator while simultaneously allowing leptin to turn your metabolism back to the "burn fat" setting.

To learn more about the secrets of leptin and Max WLX product , visit http://www.maxgxl.com/wlx/ .

Balance Leptin Levels to Lose Weight

Leptin is an essential hormone that regulates hunger and fat storage. It is one of the most important adipose derived hormones.

Fat cells themselves actually produce leptin. It is regarded as the primary messenger in maintaining a healthy metabolism and regulating body weight. Leptin tells the brain how much fat to burn and how much to store. It controls the appetite and metabolic rate. In addition to weight management, leptin plays an important role in combating the effects of aging.

Too much leptin overwhelms the brain so the body ignores the signal to "stop eating" and "start burning". This is the problem: too many fat cells make too much leptin which leads to more weight. It is an unhealthy cycle commonly called "leptin resistance" and is a major factor in the weight gain cycle.

MaxWLX was developed to permanently balance leptin levels. This exclusive formula supplies the needed components that allow your body to properly hear and respond to leptin's important messages. Max WLX addresses the root of the problem (leptin resistance) and provides a stable solution to rid the body of excess weight forever.

To learn more about the MaxWLX product, visit: www.maxwlx.com

Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Reliable Solution for Permanent Weight Loss

Obesity and weight gain are common problems for which countless people are in search of a lasting solution. There are several factors to consider that may be causing weight gain, but recent discovery suggests that an increase of the hormone called leptin is the major cause. Leptin is a hormone responsible for regulating hunger and the storage of body fat.

Increasing body weight is not just a matter of vanity; it is a threat to your health and wellbeing. Too much fat can lead to physical strain, depression, and illness. High levels of leptin are commonly found in overweight individuals and actually perpetuate more weight gain.

MaxWLX is a revolutionary formula that addresses the harmful effects of leptin-resistance. MaxWLX is not a regular weight loss supplement. It concentrates on the reduction of leptin in the body by regulating fat cells. In dealing with the root of the problem, Max WLX is helping people lose extra weight permanently.

Losing body fat and maintaining a healthy body can be achieved with MaxWLX. It balances leptin levels, providing a stable solution to yo-yo dieters. MaxWLX meets the weight loss challenge on scientific terms and provides lasting results.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Live a Healthier and Happier Life with Max N-Fuze

Nutrient supplements are growing in popularity worldwide. Many promise a healthier and happier lifestyle. Nutrient supplements are classified as either food based, herbal, dietary, or antioxidant.

Food based supplements include nutrients like minerals and vitamins which are present in everyday food. These supplements are very beneficial for health. Herbal supplements, on the other hand, are made of natural herbal extracts. Because these supplements are natural, they generally do not have side effects. Antioxidant supplements help to improve immune function and neutralize free radicals in the body. This process increases energy and fights disease.

Doctors and health experts suggest that taking a combination of supplements is the most beneficial way of promoting good health. In support of this suggestion, many companies have developed pills and powder formulas,claiming to contain a combination of supplements; however, many are ineffective in getting essential nutrients to your cells.

N-Fuze is a groundbreaking supplement that combines science and the latest nano delivery system to effectively give your body what it needs. Max N-Fuze includes antioxidants, minerals, and herbal ingredients that help your body function at its maximum capacity.

To purchase nutrient supplements or for more information on them, you can visit http://convergence.maxtrax4u.com/products/nfuze.html.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Glutathione – A multi-functional tri peptide

Many people think that glutathione is a beauty product and skin whitening agent. It definitely helps to improve blemished and dark skin, but it also performs a number of other important functions.

First and the foremost glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant. It is also a major detoxifier and immune-booster. Essentially, glutathione helps to eliminate harmful toxins from the body by providing cellular protection.

Toxins slowly attack the body and gradually destroy cells and other vital organs. They also weaken the immune system and speed up the aging process.

A sufficient amount of glutathione ensures healthy cellular function and improves the immune system. Higher levels of glutathione levels also helps slow down the progression of any disease.

Glutathione helps the body stay healthy and fit in various ways.

If you have a low glutathione level and want to improve your quality of life, try MaxGXL. For more information you can visit www.themaxsite.com.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Combat Influenza with Max GXL

Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is a type of viral infection which adversely affects our respiratory system. People of all ages are suseptible; however, children and eldery people with weak immune systems are the most vulnerable.

Influenza has similar symptoms to a normal cold like: runny nose, sneezing, and sore throat. However, in case of influenza, these symptoms are much more severe and are accompanied by chills, fever, headaches, weakness, dry cough and severe fatigue. Children may experience vomiting and diarrhea as well.

While there are several preventitive measures to take in fighting the flu, many doctors that increasing glutathione levels, in order to strengthen the immune system, is the best way to combat influenza.

Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant and natural immune booster. It is produced by the cells themselves. Unfortunately,cells produce lower levels of glutathione as we age or become ill.

Max International’s MaxGXL is an effective and affordable supplement that dramatically improves glutathione levels in a short period of time. Moreover, it is known to have no side effects.

To purchase MaxGXL or for more information on it, you can visit www.themaxsite.com.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Unparalleled Nutrient Absorption with Max N-Fuze

Max International’s third and latest product ‘N-Fuze’ has added a new dimension to the field of nutrient supplementation. Utilizing a unique nano delivery system, Max N-Fuze offers unparalleled nutrient absorption and bioavailability that cannot be acheived with conventional vitamin and mineral supplements.

Max N-Fuze is an effective nutrient supplement that proves to be beneficial in the following ways:

1) Effectively delivers vitamins, minerals and herbal ingredients to support optimal cell function.
2) Promotes the natural cellular functions of the body by increasing the production of vital antioxidants, catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD).
3) Delivers targeted nutrients needed to support leptin sensitivity and glutathione (GSH) production.
4)Contains D-ribose and CoQ10 to support ATP(energy)production.

To learn more about N-Fuze, you can visit http://convergence.maxtrax4u.com/products/nfuze.html.

Max N-Fuze-Makes all other vitamins OBSOLETE!

Why? Because MAx N-Fuze has a truly effective nanodelivery system. Once the liquid hits your mouth, it immediately begins to assimilate into your glands. All the essential vitamins and minerals are in your bloodstream in just 10 minutes. WOW!
Studies have shown that taking regular vitamins is largely ineffective. You probably only get about 20% of their benefits.
No more pills that are hard to swallow, no more smelling like vitamins and having objectionable breath. Just tear open a package of N-Fuze first thing in the morning and squirt it in your mouth! Have you ever taken vitamins that you could actually feel in your body within 10 minutes? Try Max N-Fuze and you will!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Weight Loss the Right Way

Nationwide surveys suggest 50% of the adult population is overweight, 25% of whom are considered obese. Regular consumption of junk food, lack of physical activity, and genetic disorders are some of the major factors contributing to this unhealthy trend.

Surgery, diet programs, and weight loss supplements are a few of the ways people try to lose weight. Unfortunately, most regain lost body fat once they stop using the designated weight loss program. Many dieters have not considered an important biological factor that may be keeping them fat, malfunction of the leptin communication system. Messages between the brain and fat cells are delivered by way of a hormone called leptin. The secret to losing weight permanently is by reducing and balancing leptin levels in your body.

When we consistently overeat, the fat gained sends out too much leptin which overwhelms the brain and body so they ignore the message to "stop eating--start burning fat". This creates a vicious cycle: fat cells keep creating more leptin in an attempt to be heard, resulting in the storing of even more fat. This cycle is commonly referred to as leptin resistance. In order to control and reduce body fat, leptin levels should be controlled and reduced. A weight loss program that addresses leptin levels, rather than burning body fat alone, is more successful and healthy in the long run.

Max International’s MaxWLX is gaining popularity amongst people serious about weight loss. For more information on this smart product, you can visit www.themaxsite.com.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Lose Weight Safely

If you are overweight and are in search of an effective weight loss program, there are certain things you should know.

Fat cells produce a hormone called leptin which is responsible for controlling our appetite and energy storage. When we are overweight, our fat cells produce more leptin and higher amounts of leptin lead to weight gain because the signal to stop eating and burn fat is not heard.

There are many weight loss programs available in the market. Some of them work but most of them don’t. The ones that work might empty your pockets, and soon after you stop using them you might regain the weight anyway. If you want to lose body fat successfully and permanently, you select a program with a scientific approach that addresses leptin signaling.

Max International recently introduced ‘MaxWLX’ to the market. This product has been proven to successfully reduce leptin levels within a couple of months and result in 90% greater fat loss than diet and exercise alone. Of course, it is always best to consult a medical professional before beginning any new program.

To buy Max WLX or for more information, you can visit http://www.themaxsite.com

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Lose Weight For Good!

A weight loss program claiming to reduce fat quickly is very appealing; however, one should always choose a healthy weight loss program over a rapid one. Losing weight too quickly might deplete your energy level and lead to longterm health problems.

Rapid weight loss programs may help people to lose body fat quickly, but the results do not last. As soon as the person stops following these types of programs,they often gain more weight than they shed in the first place. Everyone has heard of yo-yo dieting. This is exactly what I'm talking about.

With a healthy program, it might take a few months to see results but they are more likely to last. The most efficient programs target leptin levels in the body (the hormones responsible for weight gain) rather than simply losing accumulated body fat.

MaxWXL is a weight loss program by Max International that helps reduce leptin levels. The best thing about this product is that it is safe has no negative side effects.

To learn more about this amazing new product, you can visit www.themaxsite.com.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Best Weight Loss Program for You!

Losing weight is a tough issue. But losing body fat and keeping it off permanently is more difficult. Many people believe the way to maintain weight loss is by changing your lifestyle and eating habits, but, there is an extra element to consider.

Science has proven that to lose body fat permanently, it is essential to reduce and maintain lower levels of leptin in our bodies. For those who don’t know what leptin is, it is the hormone responsible for the regulation of body fat. It is produced within fat cells. Obesity leads to higher amounts of leptin and excess leptin further increases body fat. It's a vicious cycle.

Only weight loss programs that fulfill the following criteria will work for you:
1) It must be efficient in reducing leptin levels in order to reduce body fat permanently.
2) Reducing body fat is not something that happens over night. Therefore, the program should keep you motivated until desired results are achieved.
3) It should be safe -- without negative side effects.
4) It should include a balanced diet and regular exercise.
5) The weight loss program should fit within your budget comfortably.

Max WXL is clinically proven to help your body restore the powerful, leptin mechanism for weight loss you can achieve and maintain. Studies at the University of Connecticut show 90% greater fat loss with Max WXL than with diet and exercise alone. Because Max WXL lowers leptin levels, it helps your body regain it's sensitivity to this appetite regulator while allowing leptin to turn your metabolism to a "burn fat" setting!

To learn more or buy the product, visit: www.themaxsite.com

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Life Enhancing Tripeptide - Glutathione

Glutathione is quickly drawing media attention because of the crucial role it plays in maintaining good health. Glutathione is a small protein produced by the body cells themselves. It performs numerous functions. Most importantly, it acts as the body’s master antioxidant, detoxifier, and immune booster.

Without adequate levels of glutathione, the body is not able to fight off disease. Nor are vital organs(such as the liver, lungs, heart, and brain) able to function perfectly. Without enough glutathione, the liver would become overloaded with harmful toxins and free radicals would continuously harm healthy body cells. The immune system would also suffer and aging would be quickened.

With increased exposure to pollution and smoke, the need for glutathione has increased; however, with age, disease, and stress, glutathione levels tend to drop.

Dr. Keller’s MaxGXL is a unique formula developed to accelerate glutathione production in the body naturally. You will experience more energy and less inflammation in just a few days. And, there are no negative side effects!

For more information on glutathione and MaxGXL, visit www.themaxsite.com.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Health Problems Associated With Excess Weight

Being overweight has an adverse affect on the body and mind. People suffering with obesity often tire quickly and experience severe stress due to extra weight. Along with the overweight adult population, obese children are also at risk of developing heart disease and diabetes as they age.

Obese people are found to have higher levels of leptin, a hormone related to weight, present in their bodies. High levels of leptin perpetuate weight gain. With larger fat cells, more leptin is secreted in the body and weight gain becomes a vicious circle. To reduce body fat permanently, it is important to reduce leptin.

Being overweight can lead to many health problems such as:
1) Arthritis: Carrying extra weight causes wear and tear on joints which leads to painful problems even at a young age.
2) Asthma: Obesity causes breathing problems which might hamper everyday work performance.
3) Sleep apnea: A condition where a person temporarily stops breathing during sleep. It interrupts sleep and often leaves people feeling tired, which in turn effects concentration. It may also cause heart problems.
4) High blood pressure: Causes the heart to pump harder and the arteries to carry blood under great pressure. It affects the smooth functioning of the heart and arteries in the long run.
5) High cholesterol: Abnormal levels of blood lipids like high cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, and high triglyceride levels increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
6) Gallstones: Gallstone are formed due to accumulation of bile that hardens in the gallbladder. This causes severe pain.
7) Fatty liver: Accumulation of fat in the liver can cause inflammation, scarring and permanent damage to the liver.
8) Insulin resistance and diabetes
9) Depression.

If you are in search of permanent weight loss solutions, you can visit http://themaxsite.com/.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Leptin Regulation - The Key to Permanent Weight Loss

Leptin is a hormone closely connected to weight management. Studies suggest that reduced levels of leptin can help reduce fat successfully and permanently.

Leptin is produced and synthesized by fat cells. The amount present in blood serum is directly proportionate to the amount of fat tissue. Therefore, if fat cells become enlarged, higher amounts of leptin are secreted in the body.

Leptin plays the important role of communicating with the central nervous system to regulate energy intake and storage. This message system ensures that stable body weight is maintained by the hypothalamus. Excessive amounts of leptin throw signals off and lead to weight gain. This, in turn, increases the risk for developing heart and other diseases. In order to reduce and control weight permanently, it is important to reduce leptin levels in the body.

Max International’s amazing product MaxWLX helps to regulate leptin. In a controlled medical study, participants on MaxWLX experienced significant weight loss within 8 to 12 weeks. To buy MaxWLX or for more information, you can visit www.themaxsite.com.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Obesity Increases Risk of Heart Disease

Leptin is an essential hormone present in the human body. High levels of leptin lead to weight gain. Obesity is one of the major health problems facing modern society. It leads to the development of a number of medical issues, including cardiovascular disease.

High levels of leptin and weigh gain contribute to:
1) Higher levels of blood lipids like LDL (bad) cholesterol, high triglycerides, and lower HDL (good) cholesterol,
2) Metabolic syndrome
3) Impaired glucose tolerance and onset of adult diabetes
4) High blood pressure

High leptin levels and unhealthy weight can cause hypertension and an enlarged left ventricular hypertrophy which greatly increases the risk factor of heart failure. Besides cardiovascular problems, being overweight is also linked to the development of other diseases such as cancer, gallbladder disfunction, and osteoarthritis.

To reduce the risk factor of developing heart and other health problems, it is essential to maintain a healthy body weight. For permanent weight reduction, it is crucial to address and reduce leptin levels.

Max International’s new product MaxWLX reduces body fat permanently by regulating leptin levels in a healthy way. For more information, you can visit: www.themaxsite.com.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lose Weight with MaxWLX

Many people think that being obese is only an appearance issue. The fact is, more than an issue of vanity, it is a great medical concern as excessive weight can have a serious effects on a person’s health.

When we talk about obesity and health problems, we generally think of diabetics and heart disease; however, problems caused by obesity go beyond these issues. A heavy person can experience several health problems like joint pains, shallow breathing, insomnia, mood fluctuation, and low energy levels. Extra pounds can infringe on the quality of a person’s life in various ways.

A hormone called leptin plays an important role in the regulation of body weight, reproductive functions, and metabolism. Leptin also has an effect on hypothalamic centers which are responsible for controlling hunger, eating behavior, and energy storage.

An increased level of leptin in the body leads to obesity. To lose weight permanently, one must lower the levels of leptin in his/her body. Max International’s MaxWLX is not like other diet products that contain aggressive stimulants. It helps to reduce leptin levels in the body and normalize important brain signals without harmful side effects. This is the most effective way lose weight and keep it off.

For more information on the amazing product MaxWLX, you can visit: http://www.maxwlxsite.com/

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How to Elevate Glutathione Levels

Scientists have identified glutathione as one of the most essential body proteins. Adequate levels are required for overall good health. Various studies are being conducted to reveal more secrets about this amazing tri-peptide. An individual in search of documentation related to glutathione can easily get lost in a sea of information.

Besides being the body’s master antioxidant, detoxifier, and immune booster, glutathione also supports the smooth functioning of vital organs like the heart, lungs, liver, and brain. Glutathione depletion hampers the functioning of these organs and also leads to the development of many diseases.

There are many glutathione supplements available on the market making huge claims; however, scientific evidence proves that most glutathione supplements, especially the oral ones, cannot be absorbed by cells because glutathione molecules are too large. For this reason, most supplements simply do not work. Glutathione injections can help, but they are painful and very expensive.

Finally there is a product that is reasonably priced and effective. Dr Robert Keller’s unique formula MaxGXL is clinically proven to be the most efficient glutathione supplement. It helps to improve glutathione levels naturally. By providing cells with perfectly sized components, it empowers cells to produce and recycle glutathione. Max GXL elevates glutathione levels naturally. And, best of all, it has no negative side effects.

To get MaxGXL or collect more information, you can visit: www.themaxsite.com

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Maintain Healthy Eyes with Glutathione

The body’s master antioxidant glutathione is not only found in vital organs like the lungs and liver, it is also present in the eye lens. There too it acts as an essential antioxidant which provides protection and maintains tissue transparency. It actually works to protect the eye lens from cataracts and other damage caused by oxidants.

GSH combines with an active glutathione redox cycle which is present in the lens epithelium and superficial cortex and detoxifies potential damaging oxidants such as H2O2 and dehydroascorbic acid. Recent studies have shown that a reduction in glutathione levels cause oxidants to damage lens epithelial objects such as Na/K-ATPase, some cytoskeletal proteins and other proteins related to normal membrane permeability.

Research suggests that an improvement in glutathione levels can help to safeguard the eye lens from oxidative damage and prevent the formation of cataracts. It is essental for the maintainance of healthy eyes.

MaxGXL is a formula proven to improve glutathione levels in a short time. To purchase MaxGXL or for more information on it, visit: www.themaxsite.com.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Glutathione and the Liver

Glutathione is an enzyme present in our bodies. It is often referred to as the body’s master antioxidant because it performs a number of crucial functions while protecting cells from harmful free radicals and toxins.

Glutathione is composed of three amino acids namely cysteine, glycine and glutamic acid. It is found in several vital organs including the liver. This enzyme protects cells from environmental pollutants as well as from free radicals created during metabolic processes.

The liver is the organ where the highest amounts of toxins are stored. Therefore, it is essential that a good level of glutathione is present in the liver to enhance detoxification and ensure perfect functioning.

Harmful toxins and other pollutants contribute to the depletion of glutathione. Low levels of glutathione cause healthy cells to die, potentially leading to a number of degenerative diseases.

MaxGXL is a medical breakthrough, proven to dramatically improve glutathione levels in the body. For more information, visit: www.themaxsite.com.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Glutathione – The body’s master antioxidant

Antioxidants help to protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals present in the body. Free radicals are formed during normal oxidation processes.
Glutathione, a tri peptide found in every cell, acts as a natural antioxidant. It is produced naturally by the cells and is drawn from the food we eat.

When there is a balance between glutathione levels and formation of free radicals in the body, there are no adverse effects on your health. When free radicals are in excess of glutathione levels, disease develops.

Presently, many people are suffering from glutathione deficiency due to excess amounts of free radicals in the body. The formation of free radicals increases with exposure to harmful radiation, environmental pollution, and stress.

There are many glutathione supplements available on the market which can help to improve glutathione levels; however, it is important to choose supplements carefully. Some are inefficient while others are very expensive.

MaxGXL is a formula developed to increase glutathione levels efficiently while working with your natural process. It is a compositionally patented supplement proven to work. To purchase MaxGXL or for more information on this revolutionary formula, you can visit www.themaxsite.com.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Enhanced Glutathione Levels Reduce Inflammation and Joint Pain

The pain and inflammation people experience with the development of certain auto immune diseases is caused by oxidative stress and free radical damage. Studies suggest that increasing glutathione levels can help improve the body’s ability to eliminate excess free radicals before they cause harm to joints and organs systems; therefore, increased glutathione levels can help reduce joint pain and inflammation. Studies have demonstrated how improved glutathione levels lessen inflammation in affected body parts.

Although the causes and symptoms of different auto immune diseases vary, an improvement in the glutathione levels can be beneficial in reducing symptoms and slowing down progression of the disease.

Raising glutathione levels has proven to be a beneficial treatment for a number of auto immune diseases such as: Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Graves disease, Fibromyalgia, Allergies, Psoriasis, Scleroderma,and Asthma.

Improving glutathione levels has also been shown to help digestive diseases such as: ulcerative colitis, Crohns disease and inflammatory bowl disease.

MaxGXL is a unique formula proven to improve glutathione levels efficiently. For more information,visit: www.themaxsite.com.

Long-term, Healthy Weight Loss

Until now, there’s been far too much failure when it comes to weight loss. Most people just can’t stick with an exercise program and restrictive diet. Two out of three American adults are now overweight and billions of dollars are spent annually by people who desperately want to lose it. It’s an endless Yo-Yo cycle. Everyone wants a "magic pill" to make the weight disappear forever without effort, but we need to learn how to work with our bodies rather than at their expense.
The key to burning unwanted fat exists within your own body. It is a hormone called leptin. When your body has clear leptin signaling, hunger is regulated and the body knows when to burn or store fat. The problem is: leptin's important message gets ignored as a result of overeating. Fat cells keep churning out more leptin, trying to get the message heard, but the brain only responds when leptin levels are low. This is called leptin-resistance and is a major contributor to weight gain.
Unlike other weight loss supplements that harmfully effect the nervous system, there is finally a science-patented weight loss supplement that addresses leptin resistance and successfully targets body fat. Max WXL is the product you've been waiting for to help you safely acheive your weight loss goals.
Max WXL lowers leptin levels so your body gets the message to burn fat naturally. The double-blind, placebo controlled study conducted under physician supervision at the University of Connecticut revealed extraordinary results in just eight weeks. Leptin levels in the Max WLX group dropped 24 percent more than the diet and exercise only control group. This leptin drop led to phenomenal results. The Max WLX group lost an average of 21.5 lbs of body fat and 3.96 inches off their waists.
If you've been struggling to lose weight and keep it off, Max WLX is a proven weight loss accelerator that will help uncover a healthier new you. For more information, visit:

Nutrition Today from the Science of Tomorrow

Have you ever wondered why you feel tired or are are prone to illness while you consciously eat a healthy diet and take vitamins? The answer is simple and disturbing. Obtaining the nutrients your body needs, in our modern world, is an increasingly difficult challenge. Soils are deplete of vital elements; farming practices and overprocessing further reduce the nutrients available from the food we eat.
For decades, taking a daily vitamin supplement has been accepted as a the best way to give your body the extra boose it needs. Advances in science and clinical data have taught us, however, that often supplements are destroyed during digestion before they can be can be absorbed and utilized by the cells. At long last, the quest to develop a supplement that allows maximum cellular absorption has come to an end.
Max N-Fuze is a revolutionary formula that uses nano-technology to efficiently deliver targeted nutrients, capable of being readily absorbed by your cells. This cutting-edge absorption technology consists of enveloping nano-sized nutrient particles in highly purified water clusters and efficiently delivering them to the cells. Not only does Max N-Fuze provide your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs for optimal cellular function and antioxidant production, it also contains D-ribose and CoQ10 to support ATP.
Taking a 1oz. serving of Max N-Fuze everyday will boost your immune system and give you more energy in a safe and effective way. To learn more, visit: http://convergence.maxtrax4u.com/products/nfuze.html

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Beware – You might have a depleted glutathione level!

In a research conducted recently, it was found that, the glutathione levels in the body start depleting by the age of twenty. Several external and internal factors, like environmental pollution, smoke, stress, infection, injury etc. are responsible for the depletion of glutathione levels.

Due to oxidative stress, free radicals are formed in the body which causes severe damage to the healthy body cells. The toxins which enter our body through the polluted air, water and food, also cause damage to the cells and vital body organs. Glutathione being the body’s master antioxidant and detoxifier neutralizes the free radicals and helps the body to flush out the harmful toxins.

Due to increased oxidative stress and regular exposure to pollution, body loses glutathione during the process of neutralizing the free radicals and toxins. Therefore, glutathione levels drop down automatically.

Therefore, age or development of diseases, are not the sole factors responsible for the depletion of glutathione levels in the body. Anyone can have a depleted glutathione level due to the above mentioned factors.

MaxGXL is a unique formula which helps to improve the glutathione levels naturally. It is safe to use and does not have any side effects. For more information you can visit www.themaxsite.com.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Age gracefully with adequate Glutathione levels

Every individual wants to stay young, fit and fine for as long as possible. If you think that early aging cannot be prevented, you are wrong. Studies have proved that, if an adequate level of glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant, is maintained in the body the aging process can be slowed down and early aging can be prevented.

Studies have proved that our diet, exposure to pollution etc, plays a crucial role in our longevity and aging process. Regular exposure to pollution leads to the formation of free radicals in the body which hampers the healthy cells and fastens the aging process. Antioxidants like glutathione and vitamin E provide protection to the healthy body cells from the attack of free radicals. Thus, they help to prevent early aging as well as prevent the development of a number of diseases.

Glutathione is produced naturally within the body by the body cells. But its levels deplete due to a number of factors like increasing age, regular exposure to pollution, development of certain diseases etc.

MaxGXL is a unique formula which helps the body cells to accelerate the glutathione production and maintain a good level of glutathione in the body. Thus MaxGXL helps to maintain over all good health through a natural process. For more information, you can visit www.themaxsite.com.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Glutathione – The free radical neutralizer

Our body cells undergo regular wear and tear due to the different activities which we perform in our day to day lives. Due to the friction within the body, different metabolic processes, biochemical processes, exposure to pollutants, UV radiation etc., harmful entities known as free radicals are formed in the body. They are highly destructive and create havoc in the body. Due to the damage caused by the free radicals, our body loses its immunity, the aging process is fastened and many fatal diseases are developed.

is a small molecule present in our body which helps to neutralize the free radicals. It is produced by the body cells themselves. Its presence in adequate levels is essential for our over all good health as it acts as the body’s master antioxidant, detoxifier and immune booster.

Being the body’s master antioxidant, glutathione provides protection to the body cells from the harmful effects of the free radicals. It neutralizes the free radicals and prevents the formation of a chain of free radicals.

MaxGXL is a unique formula which has been developed to help the body cells produce adequate amounts of glutathione in the body. It therefore helps to maintain the glutathione levels in the body naturally. For more information on MaxGXL, visit www.themaxsite.com.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Glutathione Synthetase Deficiency

Glutathione Synthetase Deficiency is a rarely found metabolic disorder which inhibits the production of glutathione by body cells. It can be classified into three types: mild, moderate and severe.

Glutathione is an essential tri-peptide found in the body. It is made up of three amino acids, namely: cysteine, glycine and glutamic acid. Glutathione has several important roles in the body and supports the smooth functioning of all vital organs. Basically, it acts as the body’s master antioxidant, detoxifier, and immune booster; therefore, adequate levels are essential for over all good health.

Due to Glutathione Synthetase Deficiency, healthy cells are damaged by the attack of free radicals. This results in the loss of immunity and the ability to prevent disease. Energy levels also drop.

To maintain good health, high levels of glutathione are important. There are many glutathione supplements available on the market, but very few actually work.

MaxGXL is a compositionally patentent formula, proven to accelerate the production of glutathione in each and every cell. Max GXL gives your body what it needs to function at its maximum. For more information on MaxGXL, visit http://www.themaxsite.com/.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Glutathione – Its functions and uses in the body

Glutathione is a tripeptide found in the human body. It is composed of three amino acids – Cysteine, Glycine and Glutamic acid. It is naturally produced by your cells and and provides protection for them. Glutathione has been recognized as a crucial body protein that promotes good health and longevity.

Three basic functions of glutathione:
  1. Acts as the body’s master antioxidant – Glutathione protects cells by destroying free radicals and reactive oxygen molecules. It breaks down chemical pollutants and carcinogens into forms that can be easily flushed from the body.

  2. Acts as a major detoxifier – It helps to detoxify enviromental toxins, smoke, and prescriptions drugs by helping vital organs function smoothly. High concentrations of glutathione are found both in the liver and kidneys.

  3. Acts as an immune booster – Good levels of glutathione helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of disease.

Glutathione is required in the body for a number of processes such as:

  • Prevention of cell oxidation.
  • Metabolize carbohydrates.

  • Providing protection to the red and white blood cells.

  • Supporting and promoting the immune system.

  • Protecting the body from oxidative damage.

  • Improving skin

  • Slowing down the aging process

Monday, October 20, 2008

Glutathione and Autism

Autism is a brain development disorder begins before a child is three years old. It can impair the development of communication and social skills. Sometims children with autism demonstrate restricted or repetitive behavior.

There are several factors associated with the development of autism. The most common associations are: genetics, birth defects, and childhood vaccinations; however, many doctors believe vaccinations are not to blame.

Children with autism have higher levels toxicity and lower levels of detoxifiers in their bodies. A recent medical study found that autistic children had 50% lower levels of glutathione levels compared to normal children. Glutathione is the body’s major detoxifier and cheif antioxidant. Depletion of this essential cellular protein quickens the progression of Autism.

Doctors suggest that boosting the glutathione levels can help reduce the symptoms and improve the psychological health of an autistic child.

MaxGXL is a unique formula, proven to be highly effective in safely elevating glutathione levels in adults. Studies are underway to determine whether Max GXL is equally beneficial for children. For more information on MaxGXL, visit http://www.themaxsite.com/.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Why Doctors Recommend Glutathione Supplements

Glutathione is a protein made up of three amino acids. It helps the cells to reproduce. It also helps the lymphocytes fight against harmful foreign particles that enter the body.

When the glutathione level is low, doctors prescribe different supplements to restore the deficiency. Keep in mind, however, that unless glutathione is injected, it is most often destroyed in the stomach before it can be absorbed in the cells throughout the body. The only exceptional supplement is Max GXL. Max GXL provides the body with essential components that allow your cells to produce more glutathione on their own. When GSH levels are low, the body is adversely affected in the following ways:

  • The cells are unable to reproduce efficiently which weakens the immune system. Consequently, the body becomes suceptible to disease and cannot fight off bacteria and viruses. Without enough glutathione, fatal diseases like cancer are more likey to develop in the body.

  • The aging process speeds up and life span is reduced due to damage caused by free radicals and oxidation of your cells. In other words, your body rusts faster.

  • Organs like the liver and kidneys are not detoxified properly and vital systems shut down.

Leading doctors in orthodox and natural medicine are recommending MaxGXL to patients because it is the saftest and most effective glutathione booster. To learn more about this amazing product, visit http://www.themaxsite.com/.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

GSH and Healthy Kidney Function

Arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries is so common in the developed world it is often considered a normal part of aging. Although it is caused by a cascade of events over a long period of time, the consequences (kidney failure, heart disease, stroke, and many other ailments) can be fatal. The good new is: medical evidence shows arteriosclerosis can be prevented. While dietary choices and exercise are excellent means to ensure health and longevity, research also suggests that glutathione (GSH) plays an important part in slowing down the progress of arterial plaque formation and reducing oxidative stress.

To better understand the benefits of GSH, let’s consider kidney failure and dialysis. The kidney system is responsible for filtering the blood, detoxification, removing excess fluid, and regulating blood pressure. If the kidneys are not working properly, waste products accumulate in the blood and negatively affect other organ systems. This destructive process may shorten life expectancy. Renal failure patients suffer an imbalance of oxidants and antioxidants that grow worse with dialysis. In spite of life saving action, dialysis can worsen kidney malfunction by increasing oxidative stress and dramatically reducing GSH levels.

Kidney failure is most commonly triggered by arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Acute renal failure occurs when the kidneys suffer inadequate blood flow. Many pharmaceutical drugs are also implicated in kidney failure. Over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen and acetaminophen put a tremendous strain on the kidneys and can damage them. Supplementing with GSH plays a protective role because glutathione acts as an antioxidant and detoxifier. It cleanses the body of harmful pharmaceuticals and fights plaque formation by inhibiting lipid peroxidation. Restoring glutathione is a therapeutic strategy for kidney disease that promises beneficial effects. In addition to proper nutrition and exercise, supplementing with Max GXL may help complications of kidney failure or prevent arteriosclerosis altogether.
Learn more about the importance of GSH at:

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Most Essential Body Protein: Glutathione

Glutathione is a tripeptide molecule found in our bodies. It is produced by every healthy cell. It is the most versatile and essential body protein and performs a number of vital functions in the body.

Glutathione as the body’s detoxifier: We live in a highly polluted environment. Harmful toxins enter our body through various sources like the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. These toxins cause harm to cells and adversely affect our immune system. Glutathione acts as the body’s most powerful detoxifier and helps the body to detoxify and flush out these toxins. By protecting our cells, glutathione helps the body stay healthy .

Glutathione as the body’s master antioxidant: A number of factors, like the natural metabolic process and exposure to pollutants, cause the formation of free radicals in the body. Free radicals damage cells and over time a chain of reaction leads to the development of disease. Glutathione acts as the body’s master antioxidant and neutralizes free radicals.

Glutathione performs a number of other functions within the body. It supports the smooth functioning of all vital body organs. It boosts the immune system and helps prevent the development of disease. It increases energy levels and improves mental focus to help an individual perform at their best. Glutathione slows down the aging process and adds to the quality of your life.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Slow Down the Aging Process

We all know that high levels of glutathione (GSH) are necessary for overall good health; but recently, studies have shown that glutathione actually helps to slow down the aging process.

Free radicals cause damage to healthy body cells. They must be neutralized in order to prevent cellular damage that quickens the aging process. Oxidative stress and free-radical damage are common to debilitating diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, heart disease, cance, and arthritis. In fact, the free-radical theory of aging underlies most anti-aging treatments. Leading scientists suggest that glutathione may be involved in a molecular mechanism that contributes to longevity.

If you want to live longer, you must keep your GSH levels up. Blood GSH concentration is 20% to 40% higher in younger people. Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant. It is produced by your cells to neutralize free radicals. It is important to note that other important antioxidants, like vitamin C and E, require the support of glutathione to function effectively.

Glutathione increases your lifespan by acting as an immune booster as well a detoxifier. It fights infections and helps prevent disease. As a detoxifier, it cleanses the liver and kidneys which flush toxins from the body. Lower levels of GSH in aging livers diminish the body's ability to detoxify poisons, including toxic doses of prescription drugs in the older population. By empowering our vital organs to function at their best, glutathione promotes good health and slows down the aging process.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

FAQs on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome [CFS] is a weakening disorder accompanied by a number of symptoms including severe physical fatigue and mental exhaustion. Research shows that patients with CFS have low levels of glutathione. The symptoms of CFS are similar to common health problems; therefore, it is not easily diagnosed. CFS is a condition that is not yet understood completely. The causes are uncertain. Studies have shown, however, that women are at a greater risk of developing CFS than men.

What are the symptoms of CFS?
Severe fatigue is the greatest symptom of CFS. It is accompanied by a number of other symptoms like sleeplessness, depression, poor concentration, cardiac and respiratory problems, poor immune system, headaches, joint pains, depleted glutathione levels etc. If these symptoms persist for more than six months, it can be an indication of CFS.

What are the causes of CFS?
According to some researchers, regular exposure to environmental pollutants, stress, and infectious agents might lead to the development of CFS; however, the exact cause of CFS is unknown.

What is the available treatment for CFS?
Studies suggest that increasing glutathione levels in the body can help patients with CFS to a great extent. Glutathione increases energy and improves mental focus. It also acts as the body’s master antioxidant and detoxifier which may prevent the development of CFS.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Lose Weight & Keep it Off

Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows how difficult it is to keep it off. Yo-yo dieting and obesity have become commonplace in modern society. While many of us wish for a "miracle pill" to do all the work for us, the ultimate answer is learning how to work with your body.
Many people do not realize that the key to burning unwanted fat already exists in the body. It is a messaging hormone called leptin. Leptin is manufactured by every fat cell and tells the brain when to stop eating, It also determines whether cells will be store or burn fat. When your body has clear leptin communication, hunger and fat storage is naturally regulated.

Leptin sends the primary signal that determines how much fat your body stores and also where it stores it. If you are leptin resistant, communication signals are poor and your metabolism is out of balance. Leptin resistance is a major factor in weight gain. So, how does one become leptin resistant? Surges of leptin are released by fat cells when sugar gets metabolized, resulting in overexposure and eventual resistance to the messaging hormone. High levels of blood sugar and overeating drown out leptin’s signal and perpetuate a vicious cycle of continued hunger and fat storage (specifically in your belly).

Because the brain only responds when leptin messages are low, scientists have developed Max WLX. This patented weight-loss supplement lowers leptin levels and clarifies communication. The results of an 8-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study were astounding. Leptin levels in the MaxWLX group dropped 24 % more than the diet and exercise only control group. The Max group also experienced 90% greater fat loss, losing an average of 21.5 lbs of body fat and 3.96 inches off their waists. With Max WLX correcting faulty leptin messages, you will find it much easier to lose weight! Find out more at: http://maxwlxsite.com/

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Create a Healthier Life with MaxGXL

Glutathione [GSH] is an essential body protein that exists in every cell. GSH-deficiency leads to a number of diseases in the human body. In fact, glutathione deficiency is connected to every disease of aging.

Glutathione acts as the body’s master antioxidant, detoxifier, and immune booster. It is produced naturally by our cells and, to a small degree, obtained from food we eat.

Glutathione is required in adequate levels for detoxifying and supporting the liver, improving heart and brain function, reducing inflammation, slowing down the aging process, and increasing energy.

A number of factors, like aging and pollution, contribute to the depletion of glutathione in our bodies. There are many glutathione supplements available in the market, but not all of them actually work to improve glutathione levels because the protein molecules are destroyed in digestion before they can be absorbed. MaxGXL is formulated in such a way that it helps enhance natural intracellular glutathione production. Thus, it helps to increase your GSH levels and support good health.

For more information on MaxGXL, visit http://www.themaxsite.com/.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Max N-Fuze: Technology Fusion for Maximum Impact

Max N-Fuze, the newest product from Max International, is another incredible breakthrough product backed by science. N-Fuze is the most advanced multi-vitamin to date, making pill taking obsolete. Why is this? Nanofusion technology allows for unparralleled nutrient absorption. The Max Cellular Transport System effeciently delivers nano-sized nutrients, enveloped in purified water-clusters, to your bloodstream within seconds. Rapid delivery supports optimal cell function, communication, and defense mechanisms. It is interesting to note that N-Fuze also contains D-ribose and CoQ10, which support ATP (energy) production.

Max N-Fuze lets you benefit today from the science of tomorrow. Don't wait to experience maximum nutrient-absorption and optimal health. Order Max N-Fuse online or call us at 1-888-767-4889 for info on how to join a winning-team with revolutionary nutraceuticals!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Glutathione and Skin Whitening

Most of us know that the tri-peptide glutathione acts as the body’s master antioxidant, detoxifier, and immune booster. We also know that adequate levels of glutathione are essential to the overall health and wellbeing of an individual. But many of us do not know that this protein also acts as a skin whitening and toning agent.

Glutathione protects our cells from damage caused by free radicals and oxidation. By eliminating free radicals and oxidants from the body, glutathione slows down the aging process and adds radiance to the skin. In addition, glutathione blocks an enzyme called Tyrosinase which produces dark melanin pigments. Over time, glutathione helps lighten and tone skin.

MaxGXL is a science-based formula that dramatically increases glutathione levels without negative side effects. For more information and benefits of elevated glutathione, visit: http://www.themaxsite.com/

Health Opportunity : Wealth Opportunity

If you are currently in transition or working on a project, Max International may be an ideal collaboration to help you reach your goals. I'm here to tell you a little about a great product and unique business opportunity that is changing lives all over the world. More than just sharing the wealth, it's actually about improving the quality of your health and well being.

MaxGXL is an extraordinary medical breakthrough, far beyond a “normal” nutritional supplement. It is one of very few non-pharmaceuticals to be awarded a composition patent, and it is the only product in the world clinically proven to dramatically increase the level of glutathione in every cell. To be brief, glutathione is your body’s master antioxidant. Increasing cellular glutathione raises energy levels, fights inflammation, and slows down the aging process -- to name a few. John Nelson, M.D., the former president of the American Medical Association, has said:

“this product, in my opinion, represents the single most important breakthrough in health that we will witness in my life time, and this product will revolutionize, change and transform the practice of medicine worldwide and make Dr. Robert Keller more famous than Jonas Salk who created the polio vaccine.”

This is not another miracle health-gimmick. Dr. Robert Keller, a world-renowned physician with an amazing record, developed MaxGXL over the last 10 years. All claims are substantiated by hard medical data. Have a look at this 2-minute clip to see how it works: http://convergence.maxtrax4u.com/product/index.html

Not only is MaxGXL a supplement that improves the way you feel and perform, it also presents a golden business opportunity. Just as remarkable as the product are the people behind the business. Max has owners with stellar reputations and financial resources – Steven K. Scott , Guthy-Renker , and Greg Fullerton (a founder of Franklin Covey). They have put together what is quickly becoming a billion-dollar company, and you can profit from it. To find out more about this powerful team, take the tour at: http://thewinningteamsite.net/

Whether you want to perform at peak levels, need extra cash while pursuing your dreams, or you’re ready to make a fortune with MaxGXL – timing is absolutely perfect! At just 18-months old, Max International just passed through their first 5 million-dollar month and virtually no one has heard of them, YET! Max’s comp plan is state-of-the-art with key components for immediate, residual and wealth building income - - and NO generational breakaways or insane leg requirements!

There’s more, but this is the gist. Take some time to check it out. At the very least, try the product. For about the price of a Starbucks coffee per day, you can change your life. And, with just four referrals, your own supply will pay for itself. They used to say: "timing is everything". To be honest, timing for this opportunity is perfect -- ACTION is everything. This is truly the birth of a very rare legacy company. Don't let it pass you by.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Billion Dollar Infomercial Giants Set To Dominate Network Marketing

"Billion Dollar Infomercial Giants Set To Dominate Network Marketing With The Launch Of Max International..."
Wow! This powerful team of entrepreneurs, Guthy Renker and Steven K Scott along with Greg Fullerton (co-founder of Franklin Quest) and respected executive, Fred Ninow have stunned the home business community by combining the unmatched power of Network Marketing with clinically proven – impact products.
Max GXL; a clinically proven nutraceutical which helps the body to produce 292% more of its Master Antioxidant, has been changimng lives all over the planet for the past year and a half. Read more at this link to find out how to obtain the product and/or become part of this incredible industry!
Click here to find out more!

NEW WEBSITE Featuring Max International, partners Guthy Renker & Steve Scott

New website designed to help entrepreneurs build a fantastic business with Max International.
http://vsd.mymaxsystem.com/go.php Take the tour of Max International and this exciting business opportunity with the newest cutting edge science based products available only through independent associates.
Max GXL, MaxWLX are 2 of the newest products hitting the marketplace and making a gigantic impact on the lives of many!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Be more energetic with better glutathione levels

Researches suggest that, our energy levels drop down, not due to increasing age but due to regular exposure to pollution and other factors, which reduce glutathione in the body.

Regular exposure to pollution and smoke leads to the formation of free radicals in the body which causes harm to the healthy body cells. In the process of neutralizing the free radicals, the levels of glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant, tends to drop.

Lowered glutathione levels result in lowered levels of energy, lack of sound sleep, increased inflammation and the development of a number of diseases. Studies have suggested that if the glutathione levels are improved in the body, then, the energy levels are improved and the over all good health is also promoted.

There are many glutathione supplements available in the market which promises to improve the GSH levels in the body. But the fact is that, oral glutathione supplements are not efficient in improving the GSH levels as they cannot be absorbed by the digestive system of the body.

MaxGXL is a unique formula which helps to improve the glutathione levels through a natural process. It helps the body cells to produce more glutathione, thus improving the

GSH levels in the body. For more information on MaxGXL you can visit www.themaxsite.com.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Glutathione – Useful for Arthritis Patients

Arthritis is a disease in which damage is caused to the joints of the body. It is accompanied by severe joint pains. It is identified as one of the major diseases which cause disability among people above the age of fifty.

Some of the common factors responsible for the development of arthritis are:

  • Age: With age, the cartilages in our body become brittle and loose its capability to repair itself. Therefore, with age, the risk of developing arthritis also increases.

  • Weight: Excess body weight leads to the development of arthritis. Arthritis generally develops in the hips and knees, in case of patients with excess weight.

  • Infection: People with any kind of infection or illness in their joints, are at a risk of developing arthritis.

  • Genetics: In some cases, individuals may also develop arthritis due to hereditary reasons.

In various studies it has been found that, glutathione, a tripeptide present in our bodies, can help patients suffering from arthritis.

Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties. Improving the glutathione levels in the body can help to prevent the development of arthritis, as well as, help to overcome the severe pain.

MaxGXL is a unique formula which can help to improve the glutathione levels in the body safely. For more information you can visit www.themaxsite.com

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Glutathione – A protection from pollution

Exposure to environmental pollution and smoke leads to the formation of free radicals in the body which causes severe damage to the healthy body cells. With time, the free radicals have an adverse affect on the good health of an individual.

A regular exposure to smoke and pollution formulates free radicals in the body, which in turn, leads to the development of many chronic diseases. Glutathione, our body’s master antioxidant, detoxifier and immune booster, regularly fights against these free radicals and provides protection to the body cells and works towards enhancing good health. But during this process the glutathione level reduces in the body.

A deficiency in the glutathione level increases the risk of developing several chronic diseases. It also fastens the progress rate of many diseases.

MaxGXL is a formula which helps to improve the glutathione level and help prevent development of diseases. MaxGXL improves the glutathione level through a natural process. For more information you can visit www.themaxsite.com

Friday, September 12, 2008

MAXGXL Shipping Internationally!

Come to The Max Site and order MaxGXL to be shipped to any country! We want you to be able to experience this incredible product, so we are making it available to you for the low price of $85 per box plus only $12.95 for International Shipping.
Max International will be launching soon in Australia. If you have a desire to be part of the fastest growing company in direct marketing today, don't hesitate! Email us immediately to find out how to get a jump on this! We will provide training, materials, everything you need to build a HUGE business TODAY.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Glutathione – A nutritional asset

Glutathione is one of the most vital nutrients present in our body. Glutathione deficiency is known to reduce one’s efficiency to perform various tasks. It also hampers the good health of an individual.

Glutathione is made up of three amino acids, namely, cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine. Our body cells are the main sources of glutathione production. Our body also receives some portion of glutathione through dietary sources like fruits, vegetables, fish, meat etc.

Glutathione deficiency has been found to be one of the major causes for the development of a number of diseases like diabetes, liver dysfunction, HIV infection, respiratory distress syndrome, low sperm counts, cataract, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, cancer etc.

An improvement in the glutathione level is known to help prevent these diseases and also reverse the symptoms or slow down the progress of any disease.

MaxGXL is a unique formula which has helped many individuals to improve their glutathione levels. MaxGXL helps body cells to increase the glutathione production through a natural process.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mental Neurological Disorders and Glutathione

Studies have suggested that mental neurological disorders have a close relationship with depleted glutathione levels.

Patients with mental neurological disorders and diseases have been found to have lowered levels of glutathione in their bodies. Due to this, the psychological functions are adversely affected and with time the over all good heath and well being is hampered.

Glutathione depletion is accompanied by reduced levels of other elements, like the ones synergistic with glutathione and the cofactors of glutathione. This further complicates the cases of neurological disorders.

Lowered levels of glutathione lead to the development of a number of problems like sleeplessness, depression, memory loss etc.

Studies have suggested that, an improvement in the glutathione levels can help in the improvement in different neurological disorders, and in certain cases it can also help to reverse certain symptoms.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Glutathione – The most powerful anti-oxidant

Anti – oxidants fight diseases and help us to stay healthy. Therefore it is very important that adequate amounts of antioxidants should be present in our bodies.

Glutathione, a tripeptide produced by the body cells themselves, acts as the most powerful antioxidant in our body. Our body obtains other important antioxidants, like vitamin C and E, from the food we eat. However, the other antioxidants are not as powerful as glutathione.

Glutathione, in the intracellular level, helps to fight against various infections and inflammation. By helping to maintain health at the intercellular level, glutathione helps to improve energy, concentration, heart functions, mental functions etc.

Certain factors like stress, exposure to pollution, increasing age, development of infections etc, can lead to the reduction of glutathione level in the body. When there is a depleted level of glutathione in the body, our health is adversely affected.

MaxGXL is a specially developed supplement which helps to improve the glutathione levels in the body through a natural process. It helps the body cells to improve the glutathione production. Thus, MaxGXL helps to regain good health and maintain the glutathione levels in the body, through a completely natural process.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Improve your vision with the help of Glutathione

Glutathione is an amino acid which is present in our body. It is produced by the body cells themselves. It performs many crucial functions in the body as the master antioxidant, detoxifier and immune booster. But its presence in adequate levels is especially required for better vision.

Glutathione provides protection to the tissues which surround the lens of our eyes. Studies have revealed that good levels of glutathione in the body also helps to prevent many vision related problems such as development of cataract, diabetic blindness, retinal disease, glaucoma etc.

Therefore, for better vision, an individual should maintain the glutathione levels in his/her body. However, if glutathione depletes in the body due to any reason, MaxGXL, a unique formula, can help you to improve its levels.

MaxGXL is different from the other glutathione supplements and helps to improve the glutathione levels in the body through a natural process.

For more information on MaxGXL, visit at www.themaxsite.com.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The crucial role of Glutathione in the body

Glutathione is a small molecule present in our body which is made up of three amino acids. It is produced by the body cells themselves. It plays a crucial role in the body and therefore, its presence in an adequate level, is very much necessary for the smooth functioning of the body organs.

Glutathione acts as the body’s master antioxidant, detoxifier and immune booster. Therefore it protects the body from the development of a number of diseases, many of which can also be fatal. It also strengthens the immune system and helps the body to recover from many diseases.

Glutathione helps in the multiplication of lymphocytes (cells which help in building immunity) in the body, which happens after an effective immune response.

The glutathione levels sometimes get reduced in the body due to certain causes like poor health, increasing age, exposure to pollution etc. MaxGXL is a special formula which helps to improve the glutathione levels in the body through a natural process. For more information on MaxGXL you can visit www.themaxsite.com

Monday, September 1, 2008

Glutathione - For breaking down the chain of free radicals

Some molecules in our body are unstable as they have an unpaired electron in their make – up. These molecules are known as the free radicals. The free radicals rob molecules from the healthy living cells in order to become stable. Thus, in this process, another free radical is formed in the body. This process continues and a chain of free radicals is created in the body.

Free radicals are formed in our body, naturally, due to a number of metabolic processes and also due to regular exposure to pollution. Excess formation of free radicals in the body can lead to the development of a number of health problems such as heart diseases, early aging, cancer, joint pains and many more.

To protect the body from the attack of free radicals, the antioxidants like glutathione is present in the body come to the rescue. They prevent cellular damage and break down the free radicals so that they cannot cause any harm.

Among all the antioxidants present in our body, glutathione is the most crucial one. Therefore, it is necessary that good amounts of glutathione should be present in the body in order to promote good health. But, due to a number of reasons, such as increasing age and development of certain diseases, glutathione levels get reduced in the body.

MaxGXL is a unique formula which helps to improve the glutathione level in the body through a natural process. It helps the body cells to accelerate the glutathione production, thus improving its level in the body, naturally.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Liven Up Yourself!

Are you sick of feeling tired? There are many factors contributing to the lackluster many folks suffer. Combine processed food with environmental pollutants and everyday stress and you’ve got a recipe that zaps natural energy. Many of us rely on caffeine and energy drinks without considering how stimulants may impact sleep patterns and hydration levels. In some cases, the fix actually contributes to the problem. Finally there is a supplement, clinically proven to work, that increases energy levels without negative side effects. The breakthrough health formula, MaxGXL, is changing lives all over the world. This innovative product contains essential nutrients that increase natural glutathione production. If you’re interested in having more energy and maximizing your health, glutathione is something you should know about.

Glutathione is a tri-peptide living in every cell of your body, which eliminates toxins, enhances immunities, and supports energy production. Unfortunately, glutathione levels decline with age. Low energy, lack of mental focus, and poor sleep are all signs of glutathione deficiency that are often attributed to aging. Most often, taking glutathione as an oral supplement is a problem because it is broken down by the stomach before it can be absorbed in your cells and utilized. MaxGXL is the exception. It is the only supplement on the market that increases your body’s own production of this energizing antioxidant.

After 10 years of research by a leading scientist, Dr. Robert Keller, there is a safe and effective way to substantially raise glutathione levels. Dr. Keller has been named one of 2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 21st C. in the world, as well as one of America’s “Top Physicians” since 2003. Making it his mission to help people, Dr. Keller has developed and thoroughly tested a revolutionary product that works! There are many ways in which glutathione improves the quality of your life. Renewed vitality and keen mental focus are two positive effects everyone can benefit from. Go ahead, liven up yourself!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Glutathione – Providing support for good health

Glutathione is an essential body protein which performs multiple tasks in our body. It acts as the body’s master antioxidant, detoxifier and immune booster. It is produced by the body cells themselves. A deficiency in the glutathione levels hamper the smooth functioning of the important body organs such as liver and lungs.

Glutathione deficiency is often found in people with weak immune systems. Patients suffering from neuro – degenerative diseases like multiple sclerosis or other diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, cancer, AIDS etc, also have lower levels of glutathione in their body.

Improved glutathione levels are known to slow down the development rate of diseases and at times also reverse the symptoms. High levels of glutathione are also known to provide protection against the development of diseases like cancer, heart problems, CFS etc. It also prevents premature aging.

MaxGXL is a glutathione supplement which is proven to be helpful in improving the glutathione levels in the body. It helps the body cells to increase the glutathione production. Thus it helps to improve the glutathione level naturally.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Glutathione in improving health

Glutathione is an antioxidant produced by our body cells. It destroys the free radicals which cause damage to our health. It should be adequately present in the body to support smooth functioning of the body organs like lungs and liver.

Glutathione plays an important role in a number of crucial body functions such as DNA Synthesis and repair, protein and prostaglandin synthesis, amino acid transportation etc. It strengthens the immune system and also acts as the body’s major detoxifier.

Sometimes the levels of glutathione reduce in the body due to a number of reasons such as old age, development of diseases, over exposure to pollution etc. Its deficiency causes improper functioning of various body organs and development of disease like Parkinson’s, CFS, fatigue, memory loss and other neurodegenerative diseases.

MaxGXL is a proven formula which helps to improve glutathione level in a natural way. It helps the body cells to accelerate the production of glutathione, thus helping to regain health.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Stronger immune system for better athletic performance

For an athlete to perform well, it is very important that he/she should be healthy and have a strong immune system. A weak immune system will not only hamper the performance of the athlete, but also, be an obstacle in the regular training regime.

Glutamine, vitamin C and vitamin E are some nutrients whose deficiency can bring down the energy levels and affect the performance of an athlete. But most importantly, if there is a deficiency of glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant, immune booster and detoxifier, the immune system of the body will weaken and make the body prone to many illnesses.

There are many glutathione supplements available in the market which claims to improve the glutathione level and strengthen the immune system. But MaxGxl is a unique formula which has been proven to help improve the glutathione levels in the body, in a natural way.

MaxGXL helps to improve the glutathione level by accelerating the glutathione production by the body cells. Therefore, it is not like the other glutathione supplements which cannot be absorbed by the body.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Glutathione – The essential body protein

Glutathione is an essential body protein and performs multiple tasks in the body. It is not only the master antioxidant of our body but also an essential detoxifier and immune booster.

With old age and development of certain diseases glutathione level in our body tends to reduce. Insufficient availability of this essential nutrient causes many health problems. The cells do not function efficiently and the body fitness and energy levels are also hampered.

Dr. Keller’s MaxGXL is a unique formula which helps the body cells to accelerate glutathione production efficiently. An improvement in the glutathione level not only protects the body from many diseases but also improves the energy levels and reduces fatigue. It helps vital body organs like the heart, lungs and brain to function properly. It also reduces inflammation, provides protection against early aging and provides restful sleep. Improved glutathione levels also enhance athletic performance and helps in quick recovery.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Accelerate Glutathione production with MaxGXL

Antioxidant play a very important role in keeping our body fit and helps us to maintain good health. It provides protection to every healthy body cell from the harmful toxins and chemicals which enter our body. Antioxidants are produced by the body cells themselves. A deduction in the level of antioxidants in the body can weaken our immune system and make our body prone to many diseases.

Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant and can be found in every body cell. It protects the body cells from the destruction caused by free radicals produced in the body. Free radicals are produced in the body during metabolism. If glutathione is not present in adequate levels, the body cells are deteriorated and damaged by the free radicals.

Occurrence of certain diseases, old age and some other factors result in the deduction of glutathione level. MaxGXL is a unique formula which accelerates the production of glutathione in the body, by the body cells, naturally. It helps to improve glutathione levels in the body in lesser time compared to other glutathione supplements.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Diseases caused due to lower Glutathione level

Glutathione is one of the most important body proteins whose deficiency can lead to the development of a number of diseases. Some of the common problems which people face due to glutathione deficiency are:
Fatigue: Insufficient amount of glutathione in the body reduces stamina and causes early fatigue. It hampers our ability to perform the day to day work efficiently.
Fibromyalgia: Fibromyalgia, commonly known as FM or FMS, is a chronic syndrome which is accompanied by symptoms like muscle pain, joint pain, bone pain, fatigue etc. The symptoms of this disease can be reversed by improving the glutathione level in the body.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: CFS is a disease marked by severe mental and physical exhaustion. The other symptoms include joint pains, severe headaches, sleeplessness, lack of concentration, depression, poor immune response, cardiac and respiratory problems etc.
Lower glutathione level also causes faster development of fatal diseases like cancer and HIV.

MaxGXL is a glutathione supplement which helps to increase the glutathione level in the body. It helps to boost up the immune system so that the development of diseases can be prevented.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Boost your immune system with MaxGXL

Glutathione is an essential body protein which helps our body to stay fit by boosting the immune system. It is not only the body’s immune booster, but also the master antioxidant and detoxifier. It is produced by the healthy body cells themselves.

Due to various health and environmental reasons, sometimes the glutathione levels drop in the body. A drop in the glutathione level can lead to the occurrence of a number of diseases, some of which can also be fatal. It also reduces stamina and causes fatigue early.

There are many glutathione supplements available in the markets which claim to improve the glutathione level. But the fact is that, there are very few supplements which can actually improve the glutathione level. It is so because glutathione molecules are very large and therefore cannot be absorbed by the body cells efficiently, if taken orally.

MaxGXL is a proven formula which helps to improve the level of glutathione. It helps the body cells to accelerate the glutathione production, thus increasing the glutathione level in the body, naturally.

Monday, August 11, 2008

MaxGXL Capsules – A Key to better health

Most of us know about the tripeptide glutathione and the important functions which it performs in our body. Due to the increased exposure to pollution, increasing age and development of certain diseases, the glutathione levels in the body tend to drop. A drop in its level facilitates the development of many diseases, as the immune system is weakened. The body also gets exhausted quickly when there is a lowered glutathione level.

Improving and maintaining the glutathione level is very important for good heath. There are numerous glutathione supplements available in the market and all of them promise to give positive results. Many a times the promises made by these products are proven false as they fail to give any positive result. It is so because the glutathione molecules are large, and when taken orally, they cannot be absorbed by the body.

Dr. Robert H. Keller, an immunologist and medical researcher, after many researches on glutathione, created MaxGXL which brought a revolution in the medical industry. MaxGXL is a proven formula which helps to increase the glutathione levels in the body by stimulating the body cells to increase the glutathione production naturally. MaxGXL is known to act as a helping hand in regaining good health and stamina.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Glutathione - Helps you to stay healthy

Our body is adversely affected by the pollutants present in the environment, harmful toxins and also the free radicals formed in our bodies. To neutralize the adverse affect on our body, it is very necessary that the tripeptide glutathione, formed of Glycine, Glutamate and Cysteine, is present in adequate amount in the body.

Glutathione protects our body cells and enhances the immune system by neutralizing the free radicals and detoxifying the harmful toxins. Glutathione helps in the smooth functioning of all the vital body organs by removing the impurities that get collected in the organs. Absence or reduced amount of glutathione in the organs, like liver, leads to its malfunctioning. Neither is the body able to protect itself from the virus and bacteria attacks when there is a lowered glutathione level in the body.

Many a times the glutathione level in the body gets reduced due to a number of factors like old age, development of certain diseases, regular exposure to pollutants and other harmful chemicals, etc. Prolonged glutathione deficiency may also lead to problems in the nervous system.

MaxGXL is known to help patients with glutathione deficiency to improve their glutathione level and improve their health.