Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Role of glutathione in Fibromyalgia treatment

Fibromyalgia is a disease where the person suffering from it undergoes severe pain and stiffness in the muscles, joints and the connective tissues of the body, like the ligaments and tendons. These symptoms are also accompanied by severe fatigue which is due to loss of sleep. Due to loss of sleep, the repair of the bodily tissues does not take place in the bodies of the Fibromyalgia patients.

The exact cause of this disease is not known. However the following are the risk factors for developing fibromyalgia:

  • Presence of a family history of depression.
  • Persons with low thyroid functions.
  • Women are more likely to develop this disease. Two-thirds of fibromyalgia patients are women.
To fight against fibromyalgia, it is essential to make the body free of toxins, allergens and stress. Strengthening the body’s immune system is equally important, so that, the body resistance is built up to fight diseases. The bodily tissues which are damaged, also needs to be rebuilt.
Intake of high-tech nutrition, have proved to be helpful in controlling fibromyalgia. The body needs to have an increased level of glutathione to fight against this disease. Glutathione is the body’s own immune booster, master antioxidant and detoxifier. Studies have suggested that with increased glutathione levels in the body, many of the symptoms of fibromyalgia seem to have disappeared.

Taking extra glutathione supplements orally to increase the production of glutathione in the body is not of much help, as the stomach breaks down the glutathione and thus it is not able to get to the bloodstream.

MaxGXL helps people suffering from fibromyalgia to increase the level of glutathione in the body naturally, by helping in accelerating its production by the body cells. MaxGXL also provides more energy and helps to overcome fatigue due to fibromyalgia.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Importance of Glutathione for Cancer Patients

Cancer starts as a single abnormal cell which begins to transform and multiply beyond control. Groups of cancer cells form tumors and start attacking the healthy tissues of the body. If it is not diagnosed in time, the cells keep on multiplying and spreading to other parts and organs of the body.

Cancer is caused by agents called carcinogens, which supports the growth of cancerous cells. External carcinogens, like chemicals, radiations and viruses, and internal factors, such as hormones and immune conditions, cause the development of cancer.

Cancer cannot survive in oxygenated and acid free surroundings. Therefore the cells in the body must be oxygenated to prevent the growth of cancer.

When our blood has surplus acid in it, the excess acid is stored in the cells. If the cells are filled with acid, then no space is left for oxygen. Due to low oxygen level, one or more of the cancer cells begin to multiply. In such cases, antioxidants are required to get rid of the extra cancer cells and protect the healthy cells from getting affected.

Glutathione is a critical amino acid present in our bodies that acts as an intracellular antioxidant and detoxifying agent. Low levels of glutathione increases the risk of developing cancer due to damage in detoxification, insufficient amount of antioxidant and suppressed immunity.

Taking glutathione supplements orally does not increase glutathione levels efficiently. MaxGXL helps to increase the glutathione level in the body by helping in accelerating its production by the body cells naturally.

Buy MaxGXL here

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Glutathione – a key element of our body

Glutathione is coming up as an answer to many health questions which were not answered earlier. It is a key element which strengthens the immune system of our body which defends and protects our body from many diseases. Day by day many medical articles are highlighting its importance.

Glutathione is a protein, composed of three protein building blocks known as amino acids (glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine). It is naturally produced in every cell in our body. A sulfur group present in the cysteine amino acid is responsible for the chemical properties of glutathione.

Glutathione plays three major roles in the body, i.e, as an antioxidant, detoxifier and immune booster. As a master antioxidant it destroys the free radicals in our body. As a detoxifier glutathione converts the harmful toxins which enter our body into forms which can be easily flushed out of the body. Glutathione also strengthens our immune system and makes our body more resistant towards various diseases. Therefore high glutathione production, by the body cells, is very much essential for our well being.

The glutathione production in our body may reduce due to some disease or simply due to growing age. Lower level of glutathione leads to lower energy level and also makes our body more prone to diseases. MAXGXL helps to increase the glutathione level in our body by accelerating the glutathione production by the body cells naturally. Therefore MAXGXL helps you to increase your energy level and also help to make the immune system stronger by accelerating the production of glutathione, in the body cells, in a natural way.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

HIV and Glutathione

Glutathione or GSH is a tripeptide which is very important for the proper functioning of all the body cells.

Studies have suggested that there is a relation between HIV disease development and glutathione deficiency. Studies have also showed that decreased GSH levels in the body advance HIV expression and impair the T cell functions.

Clinical studies demonstrate that HIV-infected patients with glutathione deficiency are subjected to poor survival, compared to other HIV-infected patients. Studies also support that increased glutathione levels in the body can improve the survival of HIV patients. Therefore, GSH deficiency is established as a key determinant of survival in cases of HIV infected persons. Studies also strongly recommend that needless or excessive use of acetaminophen, alcohol or other drugs, known to reduce GSH, should be avoided by HIV infected individuals.

Glutathione is produced in our body, by our body cells, naturally. There are many supplements available in the market, which can be consumed orally to increase the glutathione level in the body. But these supplements are not very efficient as the glutathione molecules are too large to be properly absorbed by the intestines. MaxGXL, unlike the other supplements, helps in boosting the glutathione levels in the body by helping to accelerate the glutathione production, by the body cells, in a natural manner.

Dr. Keller developed MaxGXL specifically to treat patients in his clinic affected with HIV, HEP C and other severe viral illnesses. Glutathione increased up to 400% in some of these patients. This was done by a quantifiable test of glutathione measured in lymphocytes (white blood cells) before and after taking MaxGXL

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a viral disease which is blood borne and infectious. It is caused by a hepatotropic virus known as the Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). The infection may lead to swelling of the liver (hepatitis), which is generally asymptomatic. But chronic hepatitis can later on cause cirrhosis, that is fibrotic scarring of the liver, and also cancer in the liver.

According to a latest estimation, about 150-200 million people are infected with hepatitis C, throughout the world.

The hepatitis C virus spreads through blood to blood contact, with the blood of an infected person. The symptoms of hepatitis C can be medically diagnosed and some of the patients are also cleared of the virus through a long course of anti-viral medicines. An early medical diagnosis of the virus has proved to be helpful, but people infected by it do not get themselves diagnosed, at the beginning, as they experience only mild symptoms.

Many people suffering from acute and chronic hepatitis C does not have any symptoms of the disease in the beginning. For this reason, hepatitis C may already be present for many years before it is medically diagnosed. In the later stages, the symptoms like fatigue, itchy skin, jaundice, joint pain, muscle soreness, stomach pain etc, start to occur.

According to studies conducted, low levels of glutathione are found in the bodies of the hepatitis C patients, especially in the liver. Low glutathione level leads to weakening of the immune system. Therefore, low glutathione level is considered to be an underlying factor of the cause of hepatitis C. Studies have also suggested that increasing glutathione level in the body can help the patients with hepatitis C.

Intake of glutathione supplements does not efficiently help in increasing the glutathione level in the body as they cannot be absorbed by the body. MaxGXL helps to increase the glutathione level in the body. MaxGXL helps in the acceleration of the glutathione production in the body, by the body cells, naturally.

Monday, February 18, 2008


What about all those "exotic" juice drinks and supplements on the market? The manufactures claim these $40 a bottle juices have extraordinary powers and very high antioxidant levels. Yet, a Sunday, Feb. 17, 2008 newspaper investigative report from the Desert Morning News dispels the suggestions of these claims,5143,695253529,00.html . It is also reported on MSNBC at: In fact they say:

"An independent lab test performed for The Associated Press shows XanGo's antioxidant strength is no better than other readily available fruit juices, yet it costs nearly $40 a bottle. XanGo insists mangosteen contains other beneficial chemicals."
"My big concern with XanGo is that the business has gone a long way without showing any benefit in human trials," said Wayne Askew, director of the Division of Nutrition of the University of Utah's College of Health.
For the lab test, The Associated Press shipped a 750-milliliter bottle of XanGo to Oregon State University's Linus Pauling Institute at Corvallis. The institute measured its antioxidant strength against store-bought juices that sell for a few dollars a bottle. On a scale of molecular weight, XanGo's antioxidants measured 14,884 "micromoles" per liter - slightly higher than cranberry juice, but lower than black cherry and less than half the power of blueberry juice. Apple juice finished last in this test. "In terms of its antioxidant capacity, XanGo is in the middle of the pack," said Balz Frei, the institute's director and chairman.
Frei and other scientists emphasize that antioxidants haven't been shown to actually work inside the human body. Antioxidants are known to work in test tubes, but stomach acids could neutralize them before they can get to work destroying any cell-damaging free-oxygen radicals

Have you ever wondered why all the "Juice" Companies and other nutritional supplement companies never conducted human clinical studies on their product? Maybe the results and benefits they suggest come from their product are not measurable. Some companies refer to abstract studies by other scientists and state because their product has a certain ingredient in it, then it relates to those other studies. How do they or their formulators know what quantity of that ingredient is necessary for the necessary benefits. More often than not, they load up the product with vast quantities of the "magic" ingredient, along with every other perceived beneficial nutritional herb or ingredient. Are there potential side effects from excessive amounts of these ingredients? If these "concoctions" are that beneficial for your health, why don't these companies do "human clinical testing" on their products? It would seem that "measurable" results and documented studies would help increase their sales. I think that you and I know why these companies do not complete these tests. They would rather rely on anecdotal evidence, rather than scientific proof.

The "Juice Wars" have reached such a fevered pitch that new companies are combining mixtures of the Acai berry, Mangosteen, Noni, and Goji berry. The logic is if one is good, then having them all has to be better. Once again, no scientific evidence to support the anecdotal evidence.

One Juice Company that uses the Goji berry recently announced their "Clinical trials, double blind, placebo study results". Sounds great doesn't it? But, when you look at the clinical reported results, you find ALL of the evaluation areas were based on "subjective" decisions by the study participants. None of the results are based on scientifically measurable results of before and after. Also, what they fail to tell you is the study group for the clinical trail was made up of "company employees". How objective do you think their employees were in this "clinical trail"? The science is equivalent to voodoo medicine. No clinical or credible scientist would accept the results of this study.

I am not saying that these Juices or nutritional supplements are bad for you. I am just saying the science is NOT there to document the benefits that are being anecdotally claimed.

What makes MaxGXL different than virtually every nutritional supplement and health juice on the market?

MaxGXL has over a decade of research, human clinical testing and use behind it. The results with MaxGXL can be measured. In clinical research, human blood samples show that MaxGXL works every time. MaxGXL has a composition U.S. Patent and has international patents pending. There is absolutely no question that MaxGXL works!

What does MaxGXL do? It is a Glutathione accelerator or precursor. In other words, it gives your body and every cell within your body the exact nutrients necessary to produce higher levels of intracellular Glutathione.

Glutathione is the most prevalent and strongest antioxidant in your body. It is produced by every cell in your body. It is essential for the production of ATP, which is the "fuel" that every cell runs on. Glutathione is also essential in the body for detoxification. In the kidneys and liver, the prevalent presence of Glutathione is essential to enable the body to rid itself of toxins. By reducing oxidative stress in the cells, Glutathione is instrumental in significantly reducing inflammation within the body.

How critical is Glutathione to each cell in your body? If the Glutathione levels in a cell are depleted by more than 60% within any cell, it will die. Without Glutathione, the cell has no protection from oxidative stress caused by normal oxygen burning processes (life). The cell has nothing to generate ATP to maintain normal cell functions. The cell and body could not rid itself of toxins without Glutathione. Inflammation throughout the body would be prevalent, without the presence of Glutathione.

Glutathione was discovered in 1898. Since that time, there have been tens of thousands of articles written about the function and importance of Glutathione.

Could you get the necessary nutrients to produce intracellular Glutathione through proper dietary habits. The answer is yes. But, how many people have perfect dietary habits? Even very meticulous dietary habits may not contain the exact ingredients necessary to promote higher Glutathione production.

Scientific research substantiates that intracellular Glutathione production in the body decreases after the age of 20 years. This is a normal part of the aging process. For every decade after age 20, your body's production of Glutathione decreases by 10 to 12 percent. This reduction in Glutathione exposes your cells, organs, and body to more oxidative stress. In turn, you are more subject to exposure to cellular mutations and diseases of the aging.

MaxGXL is scientifically documented and the results are clinically measurable. MaxGXL does significantly increase your intercellular Glutathione.

We make absolutely no claims about MaxGXL, other than it will raise your intercellular Glutathione levels.

Increasing cellular Glutathione is scientifically proven to reduce oxidative stress, raise intracellular energy levels, fight intercellular inflammation, strengthen your immune system, and detoxify your body.

I am not a scientist or physician. But, I am intelligent enough to believe in measurable scientific evidence. At 54 years of age, I know that my cells are producing 40% to 50% less intracellular Glutathione. That only serves to expose me to more oxidative stress and provides less ATP to fuel and energize my cells. In my case, I choose to take the scientifically proven MaxGXL to raise my intercellular Glutathione levels. I know and believe that my long term quality of life will be significantly enhanced by using MaxGXL.

Is MaxGXL all that I need? No, I have to eat properly, exercise, drink plenty of water (hydrate), and get proper amounts of sleep. But since the process of natural aging is reducing my intercellular Glutathione production, it just make sense to supplement with MaxGXL. I will do that for the rest of my life and am just thankful that Dr. Keller invented this product and that the Founders of Max International made it available to mankind.

Here is what Dr. John C. Nelson, immediate past President of the American Medical Association (AMA) said about MaxGXL:
"This product, in my opinion, represents the single most important breakthrough in health that I will witness in my life time. I believe it will revolutionize, change, and transform the practice of medicine world-wide and make
Dr Robert Keller more famous than Jonas Salk who created the polio vaccine."

You decide. Try MAXGXL today and make your own decision.

The benefits of Glutathione

Glutathione is a miraculous antioxidant without which our survival is literally impossible. No other antioxidant in our body is as important as glutathione for our overall good health. Besides being the body’s master antioxidant, it is also a valuable detoxifier and generator of immune cells. Glutathione also plays an important role in DNA synthesis and repair and also protein and prostaglandin synthesis Low levels of glutathione leads to lower energy levels, weakening of the immune system, early aging and sometimes even death.

Without glutathione other important antioxidants, like vitamins C and E, can not perform their functions efficiently. Due to absence or lower levels of glutathione, the cells of our body may be hampered due to uncontrolled oxidation. Our liver will shrink due to accumulation of toxins. Also our immune system will lose resistance and our body will become more prone to diseases.

Whether you are healthy or diseased, good levels of glutathione are equally essential for you. With increasing age the glutathione level decreases. But sometimes lower level of glutathione leads to early aging.

MAXGXL helps to raise the glutathione levels in the body by helping in accelerating its production by the body cells in a natural way. Therefore it helps in improving the energy level and also helps in strengthening the immune system of our body.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer's disease is a form of dementia. This disease degenerate nerve cells in the brain and is progressive in nature. It adversely affects the thinking, behavior and memory of the diseased person. Changes in decision-making ability, language, attention, judgment and other areas of mental functions and personality, can be found in the patients. The progression rate differs from on person to another.

Alzheimer's disease is also known as Senile dementia. The risk of developing this disease increases with age. Having a family history of this disease is a common risk factor. The other risk factors include high blood pressure, history of head trauma, high levels of homocysteine (a body chemical that causes chronic illnesses like heart disease, depression, and possibly AD). Women are at greater risk than men as they live longer.

The cause of Alzheimer’s disease is thought to be both genetic and environmental factors. When the brain tissues of a diseased person was tested after death, it showed "neurofibrillary tangles" which means twisted fragments of protein within nerve cells that block up the cell; "neurotic plaques" which means irregular collection of dead and dying nerve cells, other brain cells and protein; and "senile plaques" which means areas where products of dying nerve cells have gathered around protein.

Increased levels of glutathione are known to help people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Glutathione level decreases with increasing age, thus, the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease also increases with age. MaxGXL helps to increase the glutathione level in the body by helping in the acceleration of its production, by the body cells, in a natural manner.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Glutathione - The immune system booster

The immune system is a collection of various systems in our body that protects us from various diseases by identifying and destroying the harmful bacteria in our body and also kills the tumor cells. One of the important functions of the immune system is to detect the foreign agents which are present in our body like the different viruses and separate them from the healthy cells and tissues in the body so that the body organs function properly. Detecting and destroying the harmful organisms is complicated as these viruses and bacteria adapt themselves and develop new ways to cause harm to our body organs.

The immune system needs to be very strong so that it can fight with the harmful organisms present in our body and protect our body from getting infected by any disease. Glutathione is a small protein produced by every cell in our body which helps in strengthening the body’s immune system so that our body is protected from diseases. If our immune system becomes less active than we suffer from different immunodeficiency diseases.

The immune system weakens with the reduced level of glutathione. The glutathione production level reduces due to certain diseases or even due to increasing age. Also, with lower level of glutathione we are not able to do our work with efficiency as the energy level decreases. MAXGXL helps to increase our energy level and also helps to strengthen the immune system by accelerating the glutathione production by the body cells in a natural manner.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Glutathione helps patients with Pulmonary Fibrosis

Five million people worldwide are affected by the disease known as Pulmonary Fibrosis.

Pulmonary Fibrosis is a disease which involves disfigurement of the lung. The air sacks of the lungs are gradually replaced by the fibrotic tissues. Due to the wounds, the tissues thicken, because of which oxygen is not transferred into the bloodstream.

Some traditional theories suggest that pulmonary fibrosis might be an auto-immune disorder or even an after effect of a viral infection. Some evidence also suggests that it might be due to genetic predisposition. Most recent studies suggest that it is a reaction to microscopic injury to the lung.

The main symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis are shortness of breath, basically due to exertion, discomfort in the chest, loss of appetite, chronic dry, hacking cough, rapid weight loss, fatigue and weakness etc.

Extreme exposure to environmental pollutants and toxins can cause pulmonary fibrosis. To prevent this disease the toxins have to be flushed out of the body. Glutathione is the natural master anti-oxidant and detoxifier of the body, which is produced and absorbed by the body easily. It helps the body to flush out the toxins and free radicals, by breaking them down. If the glutathione level drops in the body, pulmonary fibrosis develops eventually.

To prevent the development of pulmonary fibrosis in the body, the glutathione level has to be maintained.

MaxGXL helps to boost the glutathione level in the body. It helps to accelerate the glutathione production, by our body cells, naturally. Increased levels of glutathione in the body have been known to help patients with pulmonary fibroses.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a disorder in the body’s central nervous system that hampers the diseased person’s speech and motor skills.

Parkinson’s disease causes movement disorders. Its primary symptoms are stiffness of muscle, shivering, slowing down of physical movements, etc. The primary symptoms are due to insufficient action and formation of dopamine (produced in the dopaminergic neurons of the brain). Due to insufficient production of dopamine, the stimulation of the motor cortex by the basal ganglia decreases.

The secondary symptoms of Parkinson’s disease includes high level cognitive dysfunctions and slight language problems.

Parkinson’s disease is chronic as well as progressive. This disease is the most common cause behind chronic progressive Parkinsonism, which means the disorders like shivering, stiffness, postural instability etc.

Glutathione, an essential protein present in our bodies, helps to prevent this disease. It fights the free radicals and toxins that enter into our bodies. It protects the brain tissues from the damages caused by the harmful radicals. Glutathione is thus very important for the protection of the brain tissues and good level of glutathione in the body can help prevent the Parkinson’s disease.
The brains of the diseased persons lack sufficient levels of glutathione.

MaxGXL helps to improve the glutathione level in the brain and the body, by helping in accelerating the glutathione production by the body cells. MaxGXL helps in increasing the glutathione level in the body in a natural way. Glutathione supplements cannot be absorbed by the body. Therefore MaxGXL is better than these supplements as it helps to increases the glutathione level in a natural way.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Glutathione for Athletes

Glutathione is an essential protein present in our bodies produced by every body cell. Glutathione has many important functions to play in our body. Its main functions are that of the body’s own Antioxidant, Detoxifier and most importantly the Immune booster which protects us from falling ill.

Added to these function, many athletes from all over the world are discovering that high glutathione levels are enabling them to beat their competitors, by providing them more strength and stamina. Also they are discovering other benefits of well maintained levels of glutathione, like, an injury is healed within a shorter period of time, they undergo less muscle pain and exhaustion and muscle activities are promoted.

The athletes experience strong muscular activities due to which free radicals are generated. The generation of these free radicals lead to muscle fatigue as a result of which the athletic performance is hampered.

Glutathione is the most powerful antioxidant that is produced by the body cells naturally. The glutathione levels in the body cannot be increased by taking in oral supplements as the glutathione molecules are too large to be absorbed by the intestines. MAXGXL helps to increase the glutathione level in the body. It helps in accelerating glutathione production by the body cells naturally. MAXGXL is a diet rich in antioxidant which has importance for all individuals, whether they are healthy, diseased, active, or sedentary. For an aerobic athlete, increasing antioxidant and glutathione level is all the more important.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Glutathione – a vital protein in our body

Glutathione is a very essential protein present in our bodies. Our survival often depends on it. Therefore it is very important for us to have knowledge about what it is and where and how it is produced in our body. If glutathione was not present in our bodies, most of our vital organs and specially the lever would have been adversely affected by the toxins and other impurities which enter our body through the food we eat, water we drink and also the air that we breathe in. Glutathione also builds resistance in our bodies against viruses and bacteria.

First of all let us discuss what glutathione is. Glutathione is a peptide made of three protein building blocks, known as amino acids, which are glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine. It is produced by the body cells naturally.

Glutathione is a master antioxidant and also a detoxifier. It also strengthens the body’s immune system and helps the body to fight against various illnesses. It protects the red and white blood cells. It also prevents early aging.

Deficiency of glutathione affects our nervous system. Lower levels of glutathione leads to weakening of the immune system, thus it makes the body more prone to disease. Also the energy level comes down.

Old age is one of the basic reasons for reduced levels of glutathione in the body. Intake of glutathione orally does not help because it is not digested by the intestine. MAXGXL helps to increase the glutathione level in the body by accelerating its production by the body cells in a natural way.

Good health and longevity is ensured by high levels of glutathione in the body. Low level of glutathione lead to lower energy level and a number of diseases as the immune system is weakened. Therefore for our overall good health, we are very much dependent on this vital protein - glutathione.