This is a blog about Max International and cutting-edge products like: Celgevity, MaxGXL,MaxONE, MaxATP, Max N-Fuze and Visible Solutions. In addition to information on GSH and nutritional supplements, articles may focus on athletic performance, increasing energy, improving health, amazing testimonials, new products, medical studies and statistics, and unique business opportunities with Max International.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The Life Enhancing Tripeptide - Glutathione
Without adequate levels of glutathione, the body is not able to fight off disease. Nor are vital organs(such as the liver, lungs, heart, and brain) able to function perfectly. Without enough glutathione, the liver would become overloaded with harmful toxins and free radicals would continuously harm healthy body cells. The immune system would also suffer and aging would be quickened.
With increased exposure to pollution and smoke, the need for glutathione has increased; however, with age, disease, and stress, glutathione levels tend to drop.
Dr. Keller’s MaxGXL is a unique formula developed to accelerate glutathione production in the body naturally. You will experience more energy and less inflammation in just a few days. And, there are no negative side effects!
For more information on glutathione and MaxGXL, visit
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Health Problems Associated With Excess Weight
Obese people are found to have higher levels of leptin, a hormone related to weight, present in their bodies. High levels of leptin perpetuate weight gain. With larger fat cells, more leptin is secreted in the body and weight gain becomes a vicious circle. To reduce body fat permanently, it is important to reduce leptin.
Being overweight can lead to many health problems such as:
1) Arthritis: Carrying extra weight causes wear and tear on joints which leads to painful problems even at a young age.
2) Asthma: Obesity causes breathing problems which might hamper everyday work performance.
3) Sleep apnea: A condition where a person temporarily stops breathing during sleep. It interrupts sleep and often leaves people feeling tired, which in turn effects concentration. It may also cause heart problems.
4) High blood pressure: Causes the heart to pump harder and the arteries to carry blood under great pressure. It affects the smooth functioning of the heart and arteries in the long run.
5) High cholesterol: Abnormal levels of blood lipids like high cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, and high triglyceride levels increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
6) Gallstones: Gallstone are formed due to accumulation of bile that hardens in the gallbladder. This causes severe pain.
7) Fatty liver: Accumulation of fat in the liver can cause inflammation, scarring and permanent damage to the liver.
8) Insulin resistance and diabetes
9) Depression.
If you are in search of permanent weight loss solutions, you can visit
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Leptin Regulation - The Key to Permanent Weight Loss
Leptin is produced and synthesized by fat cells. The amount present in blood serum is directly proportionate to the amount of fat tissue. Therefore, if fat cells become enlarged, higher amounts of leptin are secreted in the body.
Leptin plays the important role of communicating with the central nervous system to regulate energy intake and storage. This message system ensures that stable body weight is maintained by the hypothalamus. Excessive amounts of leptin throw signals off and lead to weight gain. This, in turn, increases the risk for developing heart and other diseases. In order to reduce and control weight permanently, it is important to reduce leptin levels in the body.
Max International’s amazing product MaxWLX helps to regulate leptin. In a controlled medical study, participants on MaxWLX experienced significant weight loss within 8 to 12 weeks. To buy MaxWLX or for more information, you can visit
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Obesity Increases Risk of Heart Disease
High levels of leptin and weigh gain contribute to:
1) Higher levels of blood lipids like LDL (bad) cholesterol, high triglycerides, and lower HDL (good) cholesterol,
2) Metabolic syndrome
3) Impaired glucose tolerance and onset of adult diabetes
4) High blood pressure
High leptin levels and unhealthy weight can cause hypertension and an enlarged left ventricular hypertrophy which greatly increases the risk factor of heart failure. Besides cardiovascular problems, being overweight is also linked to the development of other diseases such as cancer, gallbladder disfunction, and osteoarthritis.
To reduce the risk factor of developing heart and other health problems, it is essential to maintain a healthy body weight. For permanent weight reduction, it is crucial to address and reduce leptin levels.
Max International’s new product MaxWLX reduces body fat permanently by regulating leptin levels in a healthy way. For more information, you can visit:
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Lose Weight with MaxWLX
When we talk about obesity and health problems, we generally think of diabetics and heart disease; however, problems caused by obesity go beyond these issues. A heavy person can experience several health problems like joint pains, shallow breathing, insomnia, mood fluctuation, and low energy levels. Extra pounds can infringe on the quality of a person’s life in various ways.
A hormone called leptin plays an important role in the regulation of body weight, reproductive functions, and metabolism. Leptin also has an effect on hypothalamic centers which are responsible for controlling hunger, eating behavior, and energy storage.
An increased level of leptin in the body leads to obesity. To lose weight permanently, one must lower the levels of leptin in his/her body. Max International’s MaxWLX is not like other diet products that contain aggressive stimulants. It helps to reduce leptin levels in the body and normalize important brain signals without harmful side effects. This is the most effective way lose weight and keep it off.
For more information on the amazing product MaxWLX, you can visit:
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
How to Elevate Glutathione Levels
Besides being the body’s master antioxidant, detoxifier, and immune booster, glutathione also supports the smooth functioning of vital organs like the heart, lungs, liver, and brain. Glutathione depletion hampers the functioning of these organs and also leads to the development of many diseases.
There are many glutathione supplements available on the market making huge claims; however, scientific evidence proves that most glutathione supplements, especially the oral ones, cannot be absorbed by cells because glutathione molecules are too large. For this reason, most supplements simply do not work. Glutathione injections can help, but they are painful and very expensive.
Finally there is a product that is reasonably priced and effective. Dr Robert Keller’s unique formula MaxGXL is clinically proven to be the most efficient glutathione supplement. It helps to improve glutathione levels naturally. By providing cells with perfectly sized components, it empowers cells to produce and recycle glutathione. Max GXL elevates glutathione levels naturally. And, best of all, it has no negative side effects.
To get MaxGXL or collect more information, you can visit:
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Maintain Healthy Eyes with Glutathione
GSH combines with an active glutathione redox cycle which is present in the lens epithelium and superficial cortex and detoxifies potential damaging oxidants such as H2O2 and dehydroascorbic acid. Recent studies have shown that a reduction in glutathione levels cause oxidants to damage lens epithelial objects such as Na/K-ATPase, some cytoskeletal proteins and other proteins related to normal membrane permeability.
Research suggests that an improvement in glutathione levels can help to safeguard the eye lens from oxidative damage and prevent the formation of cataracts. It is essental for the maintainance of healthy eyes.
MaxGXL is a formula proven to improve glutathione levels in a short time. To purchase MaxGXL or for more information on it, visit:
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Glutathione and the Liver
Glutathione is composed of three amino acids namely cysteine, glycine and glutamic acid. It is found in several vital organs including the liver. This enzyme protects cells from environmental pollutants as well as from free radicals created during metabolic processes.
The liver is the organ where the highest amounts of toxins are stored. Therefore, it is essential that a good level of glutathione is present in the liver to enhance detoxification and ensure perfect functioning.
Harmful toxins and other pollutants contribute to the depletion of glutathione. Low levels of glutathione cause healthy cells to die, potentially leading to a number of degenerative diseases.
MaxGXL is a medical breakthrough, proven to dramatically improve glutathione levels in the body. For more information, visit:
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Glutathione – The body’s master antioxidant
Glutathione, a tri peptide found in every cell, acts as a natural antioxidant. It is produced naturally by the cells and is drawn from the food we eat.
When there is a balance between glutathione levels and formation of free radicals in the body, there are no adverse effects on your health. When free radicals are in excess of glutathione levels, disease develops.
Presently, many people are suffering from glutathione deficiency due to excess amounts of free radicals in the body. The formation of free radicals increases with exposure to harmful radiation, environmental pollution, and stress.
There are many glutathione supplements available on the market which can help to improve glutathione levels; however, it is important to choose supplements carefully. Some are inefficient while others are very expensive.
MaxGXL is a formula developed to increase glutathione levels efficiently while working with your natural process. It is a compositionally patented supplement proven to work. To purchase MaxGXL or for more information on this revolutionary formula, you can visit
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Enhanced Glutathione Levels Reduce Inflammation and Joint Pain
Although the causes and symptoms of different auto immune diseases vary, an improvement in the glutathione levels can be beneficial in reducing symptoms and slowing down progression of the disease.
Raising glutathione levels has proven to be a beneficial treatment for a number of auto immune diseases such as: Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Graves disease, Fibromyalgia, Allergies, Psoriasis, Scleroderma,and Asthma.
Improving glutathione levels has also been shown to help digestive diseases such as: ulcerative colitis, Crohns disease and inflammatory bowl disease.
MaxGXL is a unique formula proven to improve glutathione levels efficiently. For more information,visit:
Long-term, Healthy Weight Loss
The key to burning unwanted fat exists within your own body. It is a hormone called leptin. When your body has clear leptin signaling, hunger is regulated and the body knows when to burn or store fat. The problem is: leptin's important message gets ignored as a result of overeating. Fat cells keep churning out more leptin, trying to get the message heard, but the brain only responds when leptin levels are low. This is called leptin-resistance and is a major contributor to weight gain.
Unlike other weight loss supplements that harmfully effect the nervous system, there is finally a science-patented weight loss supplement that addresses leptin resistance and successfully targets body fat. Max WXL is the product you've been waiting for to help you safely acheive your weight loss goals.
Max WXL lowers leptin levels so your body gets the message to burn fat naturally. The double-blind, placebo controlled study conducted under physician supervision at the University of Connecticut revealed extraordinary results in just eight weeks. Leptin levels in the Max WLX group dropped 24 percent more than the diet and exercise only control group. This leptin drop led to phenomenal results. The Max WLX group lost an average of 21.5 lbs of body fat and 3.96 inches off their waists.
If you've been struggling to lose weight and keep it off, Max WLX is a proven weight loss accelerator that will help uncover a healthier new you. For more information, visit:
Nutrition Today from the Science of Tomorrow
For decades, taking a daily vitamin supplement has been accepted as a the best way to give your body the extra boose it needs. Advances in science and clinical data have taught us, however, that often supplements are destroyed during digestion before they can be can be absorbed and utilized by the cells. At long last, the quest to develop a supplement that allows maximum cellular absorption has come to an end.
Max N-Fuze is a revolutionary formula that uses nano-technology to efficiently deliver targeted nutrients, capable of being readily absorbed by your cells. This cutting-edge absorption technology consists of enveloping nano-sized nutrient particles in highly purified water clusters and efficiently delivering them to the cells. Not only does Max N-Fuze provide your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs for optimal cellular function and antioxidant production, it also contains D-ribose and CoQ10 to support ATP.
Taking a 1oz. serving of Max N-Fuze everyday will boost your immune system and give you more energy in a safe and effective way. To learn more, visit:
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Beware – You might have a depleted glutathione level!
Due to oxidative stress, free radicals are formed in the body which causes severe damage to the healthy body cells. The toxins which enter our body through the polluted air, water and food, also cause damage to the cells and vital body organs. Glutathione being the body’s master antioxidant and detoxifier neutralizes the free radicals and helps the body to flush out the harmful toxins.
Due to increased oxidative stress and regular exposure to pollution, body loses glutathione during the process of neutralizing the free radicals and toxins. Therefore, glutathione levels drop down automatically.
Therefore, age or development of diseases, are not the sole factors responsible for the depletion of glutathione levels in the body. Anyone can have a depleted glutathione level due to the above mentioned factors.
MaxGXL is a unique formula which helps to improve the glutathione levels naturally. It is safe to use and does not have any side effects. For more information you can visit
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Age gracefully with adequate Glutathione levels
Every individual wants to stay young, fit and fine for as long as possible. If you think that early aging cannot be prevented, you are wrong. Studies have proved that, if an adequate level of glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant, is maintained in the body the aging process can be slowed down and early aging can be prevented.
Studies have proved that our diet, exposure to pollution etc, plays a crucial role in our longevity and aging process. Regular exposure to pollution leads to the formation of free radicals in the body which hampers the healthy cells and fastens the aging process. Antioxidants like glutathione and vitamin E provide protection to the healthy body cells from the attack of free radicals. Thus, they help to prevent early aging as well as prevent the development of a number of diseases.
Glutathione is produced naturally within the body by the body cells. But its levels deplete due to a number of factors like increasing age, regular exposure to pollution, development of certain diseases etc.
MaxGXL is a unique formula which helps the body cells to accelerate the glutathione production and maintain a good level of glutathione in the body. Thus MaxGXL helps to maintain over all good health through a natural process. For more information, you can visit
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Glutathione – The free radical neutralizer
Glutathione is a small molecule present in our body which helps to neutralize the free radicals. It is produced by the body cells themselves. Its presence in adequate levels is essential for our over all good health as it acts as the body’s master antioxidant, detoxifier and immune booster.
Being the body’s master antioxidant, glutathione provides protection to the body cells from the harmful effects of the free radicals. It neutralizes the free radicals and prevents the formation of a chain of free radicals.
MaxGXL is a unique formula which has been developed to help the body cells produce adequate amounts of glutathione in the body. It therefore helps to maintain the glutathione levels in the body naturally. For more information on MaxGXL, visit