Sunday, November 9, 2008

Long-term, Healthy Weight Loss

Until now, there’s been far too much failure when it comes to weight loss. Most people just can’t stick with an exercise program and restrictive diet. Two out of three American adults are now overweight and billions of dollars are spent annually by people who desperately want to lose it. It’s an endless Yo-Yo cycle. Everyone wants a "magic pill" to make the weight disappear forever without effort, but we need to learn how to work with our bodies rather than at their expense.
The key to burning unwanted fat exists within your own body. It is a hormone called leptin. When your body has clear leptin signaling, hunger is regulated and the body knows when to burn or store fat. The problem is: leptin's important message gets ignored as a result of overeating. Fat cells keep churning out more leptin, trying to get the message heard, but the brain only responds when leptin levels are low. This is called leptin-resistance and is a major contributor to weight gain.
Unlike other weight loss supplements that harmfully effect the nervous system, there is finally a science-patented weight loss supplement that addresses leptin resistance and successfully targets body fat. Max WXL is the product you've been waiting for to help you safely acheive your weight loss goals.
Max WXL lowers leptin levels so your body gets the message to burn fat naturally. The double-blind, placebo controlled study conducted under physician supervision at the University of Connecticut revealed extraordinary results in just eight weeks. Leptin levels in the Max WLX group dropped 24 percent more than the diet and exercise only control group. This leptin drop led to phenomenal results. The Max WLX group lost an average of 21.5 lbs of body fat and 3.96 inches off their waists.
If you've been struggling to lose weight and keep it off, Max WLX is a proven weight loss accelerator that will help uncover a healthier new you. For more information, visit:

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