Sunday, October 5, 2008

Lose Weight & Keep it Off

Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows how difficult it is to keep it off. Yo-yo dieting and obesity have become commonplace in modern society. While many of us wish for a "miracle pill" to do all the work for us, the ultimate answer is learning how to work with your body.
Many people do not realize that the key to burning unwanted fat already exists in the body. It is a messaging hormone called leptin. Leptin is manufactured by every fat cell and tells the brain when to stop eating, It also determines whether cells will be store or burn fat. When your body has clear leptin communication, hunger and fat storage is naturally regulated.

Leptin sends the primary signal that determines how much fat your body stores and also where it stores it. If you are leptin resistant, communication signals are poor and your metabolism is out of balance. Leptin resistance is a major factor in weight gain. So, how does one become leptin resistant? Surges of leptin are released by fat cells when sugar gets metabolized, resulting in overexposure and eventual resistance to the messaging hormone. High levels of blood sugar and overeating drown out leptin’s signal and perpetuate a vicious cycle of continued hunger and fat storage (specifically in your belly).

Because the brain only responds when leptin messages are low, scientists have developed Max WLX. This patented weight-loss supplement lowers leptin levels and clarifies communication. The results of an 8-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study were astounding. Leptin levels in the MaxWLX group dropped 24 % more than the diet and exercise only control group. The Max group also experienced 90% greater fat loss, losing an average of 21.5 lbs of body fat and 3.96 inches off their waists. With Max WLX correcting faulty leptin messages, you will find it much easier to lose weight! Find out more at:

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