Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Slow Down the Aging Process

We all know that high levels of glutathione (GSH) are necessary for overall good health; but recently, studies have shown that glutathione actually helps to slow down the aging process.

Free radicals cause damage to healthy body cells. They must be neutralized in order to prevent cellular damage that quickens the aging process. Oxidative stress and free-radical damage are common to debilitating diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, heart disease, cance, and arthritis. In fact, the free-radical theory of aging underlies most anti-aging treatments. Leading scientists suggest that glutathione may be involved in a molecular mechanism that contributes to longevity.

If you want to live longer, you must keep your GSH levels up. Blood GSH concentration is 20% to 40% higher in younger people. Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant. It is produced by your cells to neutralize free radicals. It is important to note that other important antioxidants, like vitamin C and E, require the support of glutathione to function effectively.

Glutathione increases your lifespan by acting as an immune booster as well a detoxifier. It fights infections and helps prevent disease. As a detoxifier, it cleanses the liver and kidneys which flush toxins from the body. Lower levels of GSH in aging livers diminish the body's ability to detoxify poisons, including toxic doses of prescription drugs in the older population. By empowering our vital organs to function at their best, glutathione promotes good health and slows down the aging process.

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