Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a disorder in the body’s central nervous system that hampers the diseased person’s speech and motor skills.

Parkinson’s disease causes movement disorders. Its primary symptoms are stiffness of muscle, shivering, slowing down of physical movements, etc. The primary symptoms are due to insufficient action and formation of dopamine (produced in the dopaminergic neurons of the brain). Due to insufficient production of dopamine, the stimulation of the motor cortex by the basal ganglia decreases.

The secondary symptoms of Parkinson’s disease includes high level cognitive dysfunctions and slight language problems.

Parkinson’s disease is chronic as well as progressive. This disease is the most common cause behind chronic progressive Parkinsonism, which means the disorders like shivering, stiffness, postural instability etc.

Glutathione, an essential protein present in our bodies, helps to prevent this disease. It fights the free radicals and toxins that enter into our bodies. It protects the brain tissues from the damages caused by the harmful radicals. Glutathione is thus very important for the protection of the brain tissues and good level of glutathione in the body can help prevent the Parkinson’s disease.
The brains of the diseased persons lack sufficient levels of glutathione.

MaxGXL helps to improve the glutathione level in the brain and the body, by helping in accelerating the glutathione production by the body cells. MaxGXL helps in increasing the glutathione level in the body in a natural way. Glutathione supplements cannot be absorbed by the body. Therefore MaxGXL is better than these supplements as it helps to increases the glutathione level in a natural way.

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