Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a viral disease which is blood borne and infectious. It is caused by a hepatotropic virus known as the Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). The infection may lead to swelling of the liver (hepatitis), which is generally asymptomatic. But chronic hepatitis can later on cause cirrhosis, that is fibrotic scarring of the liver, and also cancer in the liver.

According to a latest estimation, about 150-200 million people are infected with hepatitis C, throughout the world.

The hepatitis C virus spreads through blood to blood contact, with the blood of an infected person. The symptoms of hepatitis C can be medically diagnosed and some of the patients are also cleared of the virus through a long course of anti-viral medicines. An early medical diagnosis of the virus has proved to be helpful, but people infected by it do not get themselves diagnosed, at the beginning, as they experience only mild symptoms.

Many people suffering from acute and chronic hepatitis C does not have any symptoms of the disease in the beginning. For this reason, hepatitis C may already be present for many years before it is medically diagnosed. In the later stages, the symptoms like fatigue, itchy skin, jaundice, joint pain, muscle soreness, stomach pain etc, start to occur.

According to studies conducted, low levels of glutathione are found in the bodies of the hepatitis C patients, especially in the liver. Low glutathione level leads to weakening of the immune system. Therefore, low glutathione level is considered to be an underlying factor of the cause of hepatitis C. Studies have also suggested that increasing glutathione level in the body can help the patients with hepatitis C.

Intake of glutathione supplements does not efficiently help in increasing the glutathione level in the body as they cannot be absorbed by the body. MaxGXL helps to increase the glutathione level in the body. MaxGXL helps in the acceleration of the glutathione production in the body, by the body cells, naturally.

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