Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fast Food Increases Leptin Levels

According to physicians and health experts, excessive consumption of fast food may lead to the rapid increase of leptin in the human body.

Leptin is a protein hormone that plays a key role in regulating appetite. Under normal conditions, these hormones control eating and help maintain stable body weight. It is continuously secreted by fat cells. Leptin levels indicate the status of the body's fat reserves. This signal is read by the hypothalamus, the region of the brain that coordinates eating behavior.

Recently, researchers concluded that overweight individuals develop resistance to leptin’s important message. Their brain loses its ability to respond to these hormones as body fat increases. The fatter the body gets, the more leptin is released into the bloodstream. This makes the hypothalamus insensitive or "leptin resistant", resulting in even more weight gain. The cycle is vicious and self-perpetuating.

Excess and frequent consumption of junk food produces higher levels of fatty acid. This in turn leads to increased leptin. Avoiding junk food is one step in the development of a healthy lifestyle. If you want to put and end to yo-yo dieting and rebalance your natural mechanism for weight management, m MaxWLX is an amazing, science formulated product that can help. Max WLX offers a permanent solution to weight gain by restoring leptin sensitiviy. For more information, visit: to know more about MaxWLX

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