Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Glutathione – Useful for Arthritis Patients

Arthritis is a disease in which damage is caused to the joints of the body. It is accompanied by severe joint pains. It is identified as one of the major diseases which cause disability among people above the age of fifty.

Some of the common factors responsible for the development of arthritis are:

  • Age: With age, the cartilages in our body become brittle and loose its capability to repair itself. Therefore, with age, the risk of developing arthritis also increases.

  • Weight: Excess body weight leads to the development of arthritis. Arthritis generally develops in the hips and knees, in case of patients with excess weight.

  • Infection: People with any kind of infection or illness in their joints, are at a risk of developing arthritis.

  • Genetics: In some cases, individuals may also develop arthritis due to hereditary reasons.

In various studies it has been found that, glutathione, a tripeptide present in our bodies, can help patients suffering from arthritis.

Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties. Improving the glutathione levels in the body can help to prevent the development of arthritis, as well as, help to overcome the severe pain.

MaxGXL is a unique formula which can help to improve the glutathione levels in the body safely. For more information you can visit

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