Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Glutathione and Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic pain illness which is distinguished by severe muscle and skeleton aches and stiffness. Pain is also accompanied by general fatigue and disturbed sleep. The patients generally feel the pain at the neck, back, shoulders, pelvic girdle and hands. However, other parts of the body can also be affected. The patients suffering from fibromyalgia suffer from different symptoms which keep on varying with time.

According to an estimation about 3% to 6% of the total population of US is suffering from fibromyalgia. In the studies it was found that more number of women of different age groups are suffering from fibromyalgia compared to the men and children.

FM is accompanied by various symptoms like pain, fatigue, sleeplessness, memory loss, lack of concentration, dizziness, depression, anxiety, sensitive skin and rashes, neurological problems etc. Fibromyalgia or any of its symptoms are not a threat to life directly. The severity of the symptoms changes with time. However, fibromyalgia is considered to be a non-progressive illness.

Glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant, detoxifier and immune booster, is found to help patients suffering from fibromyalgia. An increase in the glutathione levels in the body of the patients suffering from fibromyalgia was seen to suppress many of the symptoms.

MaxGXL is a glutathione accelerator which helps patients suffering from fibromyalgia to increase the glutathione level in their body and help the immune system to fight against the symptoms of fibromyalgia and suppress them.

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