Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Glutathione may help Pulmonary fibrosis

Everyday we are exposed to a number of environmental pollutants and harmful toxins. Regular and extreme exposure to these pollutants and toxins increases the risk of developing a disease known as Pulmonary Fibrosis. The main cause of this disease is the deposition of toxins and pathogens in our lungs, one of the vital organs of our body. This disease can be prevented or stopped from progression only when the harmful toxins and airborne pollutants are removed from the body.

Glutathione, a tripeptide produced by the body cells, is the body’s own super detoxifier. It helps to detoxify the toxins and flush them out of the body. Thus it helps in strengthening the immune system of our body and protects the body from the development of the diseases like Pulmonary Fibrosis.

But due to continuous and a long exposure to toxins and pollutants, the level of glutathione in the body, especially the lungs, starts to reduce. When the body has a lower level of glutathione, the various diseases like Pulmonary Fibrosis can easily develop. Once the disease develops, it further reduces the glutathione production by the body cells.

MaxGXL helps to improve the glutathione levels in the body by helping the body cells to accelerate the glutathione production. If you increase the glutathione level in the body, MaxGXL it may help patients with diseases like pulmonary fibrosis to recover some lung activity.

The anti-aging effect of Glutathione

Glutathione is becoming more and more popular among people due to its number of benefits. Many people are eagerly trying out different methods of improving the glutathione levels in their bodies to benefit from it. But at the same time there are many people who are still confused and doubtful about glutathione and its effects.

For those who are new to the term, glutathione is a tri peptide which is present in our bodies and is produced by our body cells themselves. It is made from three amino acids – cysteine, glycine and glutamic acid. Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant, detoxifier and immune booster and its presence in adequate amount in the body is very much essential for the proper functioning of the different organs.

Glutathione has an anti- aging effect as well. Presence of a good level of glutathione in the body slows down the aging process and continues to support the immune system of the body to fight against a number of diseases.

However, due to increasing age or development of certain diseases, the glutathione levels drop in the body. Due to lower level of glutathione, the immune system starts to weaken making the body prone to diseases. Also the aging process is speeded up.

MaxGXL is the only formula that is proven to increase the glutathione level in the body through a natural process and help the body organs to function efficiently.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is often accompanied by the symptoms like severe chronic pain and severe fatigue. Patients suffering from this disease also have a very sensitive skin. The skin of fibromyalgia patients become so sensitive, that, they experience pain even at the slightest pressure like movement of clothes over the skin. The symptoms also include pain in the muscle tissues, prolonged tremor, pain in the nerves and weakness in the body.

One of the major symptoms known to accompany fibromyalgia is lack of sound sleep. This is believed to be associated with the phenomenon referred to as alpha-delta sleep where deep sleep is disturbed due to certain brain activities. Due to these disturbances the deep sleep is reduced to a great extent in the cases of fibromyalgia patients.

The fibromyalgia patients suffer from various neuropsychiatric problems like cognitive dysfunction which means short and long term memory problems, reduced ability of processing information, reduced concentration and increased anxiety and depression.

Presence of good glutathione levels in the body is believed to be helpful for patients suffering from fibromyalgia. Glutathione helps to suppress many of the symptoms of the disease and also reduce the progression speed of the disease.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Glutathione – a protection from the environmental pollutants

We live in a polluted environment and everyday harmful chemicals, pesticides and toxins enter into our body through the mediums like food, water and air. These harmful chemicals, pesticides and toxins, after entering our body, cause an adverse affect on our healthy cells and also on the body’s immune system.

Our body cells produce a tripeptide known as glutathione. It is composed of three amino acids, namely, cysteine, glycine and glutamic acid. Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant, detoxifier and immune booster.

Glutathione has the responsibility of maintaining our overall good health. It breaks down the harmful free radicals and also helps in flushing out the harmful toxins from the body. By removing the free radicals and toxins from the body, glutathione provides protection to the immune system as the free radicals otherwise attacks the healthy cells and destroys them, thus weakening the immune system.

Low glutathione levels weaken the immune system and make the body prone to various illnesses. With low glutathione levels the energy levels also drop. It is very usual that the glutathione levels start reducing with the increasing age or development of certain diseases.

MaxGXL is a glutathione accelerator which helps to increase the glutathione level in the body through a natural process.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is often clinically diagnosed from the history of the patient, the history of his/her relatives and also from clinical observations based upon the presence of certain neurological and neuropsychological characteristics. It is also diagnosed from the absence of alternate conditions.

Nowadays with the advanced medical imaging through Ct scans and MRI, it has become easy and helpful to diagnose the type of dementia and leave out the other cerebral pathology.
The neuropsychological diagnosis of Alzheimer’s including memory tests and evaluation of functioning of the brain helps to determine the type of dementia. The medical organizations have formed a diagnostic criterion to make the process of diagnosis easy and standard for the practicing physicians. If the brain material is available for examination, then the diagnosis can be confirmed.

Glutathione, the essential body protein is known to help people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. If a good glutathione level is present in the body, then many symptoms of the disease are known to be suppressed. Stable glutathione level can also help to reduce the progression rate of the disease.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Benefits of Glutathione

Glutathione is an essential protein molecule produced by our body cells. Good levels of glutathione help to maintain an overall good health. Following are the benefits of good level of glutathione present in the body:
  • Immune System: People who are immune depressed are found to have lower glutathione levels in their body. Therefore the body has little or no power to resist the various diseases. Good levels of glutathione help to maintain a strong immune system and resist the different diseases.
  • Cancer: Good glutathione levels are known to help cancer patients by eliminating the carcinogens and also by helping the immune system to provide a stronger anti tumor defenses.
  • Process of Aging: Glutathione levels drop in the body with increasing age. Lower glutathione levels on the other hand leads to early aging and also the development of a number of diseases. Good levels of glutathione help to prevent old age diseases like Cataracts, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson’s disease etc.
  • Glutathione for Athletes: Good glutathione levels need to be present in the bodies of athletes to prevent fatigue and poorer performance.
  • Neurological Diseases: Good glutathione levels also help to prevent various neurological diseases like Multiple Sclerosis etc.

MaxGXL helps to increase the glutathione level in the bodies in a natural manner by helping in accelerating the glutathione production by the body cells.

Monday, April 21, 2008

The different functions of Glutathione

Glutathione is a small molecule composed of three amino acids which is found in all most every living cell of our body. It is produced by the body cells themselves.

Glutathione is essential for the proper functioning of the different organs of the body. It is also believed to play an important role in multiplying the number of cells which mediate certain immunities. Thus it helps in strengthening the immune system.

The vital functions of glutathione in the body are:
  • Strengthen the Immune System: The body’s immune system needs to be strong in order to prevent and protect the body from the development of various diseases. Glutathione is the body’s own immune booster that strengthens the immune system and protects the body from various diseases.
  • Act as the body’s master antioxidant: Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant which plays the important function of protecting the healthy cells of the body from the harmful effects of the free radicals and chemicals that enter our body.
  • Control the functions of other antioxidants: Without glutathione, the other antioxidants of the body like vitamins C and E, can’t provide adequate protection to the body against various diseases.
  • The body’s natural detoxifier: Glutathione is not only the body’s master antioxidant and immune booster, but, it is also the body’s major detoxifier. It detoxifies the harmful chemical compounds which enter our body and protect the healthy cells of the body.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Reverse Pulmonary Fibrosis with Glutathione

Pulmonary Fibrosis is developed due to excessive exposure to toxins, chemicals and environmental pollutants. When toxins gather in the lungs, scarring of the lung takes place. Gradually, fibrotic tissues start replacing the air sacs of the lungs. With the formation of the scars, the tissues thicken, which lead to loss of ability of the tissues to transfer oxygen into the bloodstream.

There is no permanent cure known for Pulmonary Fibrosis. However, good levels of glutathione can help to reverse the development of the disease by eliminating the toxins from the body. Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant, detoxifier and immune booster, which is produced by the body cells themselves.

The development of Pulmonary Fibrosis leads to depletion of glutathione in the lungs due to exposure to pollutants and toxins for a long time. Depletion of glutathione leads to further development of the disease, as the immune system weakens.

Nowadays there are many supplements available in the markets which claim to raise the glutathione level in the body. However, the fact is that most of these supplements cannot improve the glutathione levels in the body, as the cells are unable to absorb them.

MaxGXL is a unique formula which helps to boost the glutathione level in the body by helping the body cells to increase the glutathione production naturally.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Prevent Cataract with good glutathione levels

The clouding of the eye lens lying behind the iris and pupil is known as cataract.

The lens of the eyes focuses light on the retina. They also adjust the focus of the eyes, enabling us to see things clearly both at near and far distances.

The eye lenses are made up of water and protein. The protein in the eye lens is arranged in such a way that it keeps the lens clear so that light can pass through it. But, with increasing age in some cases the protein clump together and start clouding a small portion of the eye lens. With time, the clump grows and further clouds the lens causing difficulties in seeing.

There are three types of cataract:
  • Nuclear Cataract: This type of cataract forms due to changes with age. It develops in the center of the lens.
  • Cortical Cataract: This form of cataract develops in the lens cortex. It gradually spreads from the outside of the lens to its center. Many diabetic patients develop this form of cataract.
  • Subcapsular cataract: This type of cataract begins at the back of the lens. Those people with diabetes, high farsightedness, retinitis pigmentosa are at a risk of developing this form of cataract.

The eye lenses contain a high concentration of glutathione which performs the function of an essential antioxidant to maintain the transparency of the tissues. Studies have suggested that the presence of a good level of glutathione can help to protect the eye lens and prevent the development of cataract.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Glutathione in detoxifying liver

Being the body’s own detoxifier, glutathione plays a very important role in detoxifying the liver where the harmful toxins gather in large amounts. Glutathione detoxifies the liver and supports the smooth functioning of the healthy cells.

Glutathione removes the toxins and harmful chemicals which accumulate in the liver. With the toxins it forms a soluble compound which can easily be flushed out of the body. Highest concentrations of glutathione are found in the liver and kidneys because these are the organs which are mostly exposed to the toxins. Glutathione is found in large concentrations in the lungs too. It also helps to eliminate various chemicals, heavy metals, drug metabolites which cause cancer.

Increasing age is one of the major factors which lead to depletion in the glutathione level in the body. With depletion of the glutathione level in the body, the immune system starts to weaken and also the main organs like the liver and lungs stop functioning efficiently.

Therefore it is essential to main a good glutathione level in the body in the old ages to prevent the development of different diseases. MaxGXL helps to maintain the glutathione level in the body even during the old ages by helping the body cells to accelerate the glutathione production naturally.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Glutathione for a healthy life

Glutathione is one of the most vital protein molecules present in our body produced by our body cells. It is responsible for maintaining our overall good health. The three basic roles of glutathione in our body are:
  • It is the master antioxidant of the body.
  • It is the body’s own immune booster.
  • It is the body’s natural detoxifier.

Increased levels of glutathione in the body results in the increased energy levels, destruction of the free radicals, detoxification of the liver, helps in proper functioning of the brain, helps the body to fight and prevent various diseases, slows down the aging process, improves the functions of the heart and many more.

But various factors like exposure to environmental pollution, toxins, harmful chemicals, development of diseases and increasing age leads to the depletion of glutathione levels in the body. Depletion of glutathione in the body starts having adverse affects on our good health.

In order to maintain a good health we need to maintain a good glutathione level in the body, so that, we can protect ourselves from the ill effects of the various diseases.

MaxGXL is a unique formula which helps to improve the glutathione levels in the body through a natural process.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Glutathione - Helping people with Alzheimer’s disease

The Alzheimer's disease, also known as (AD), is one of the most common forms of dementia diagnosed among the aged people.

Dementia is a brain disorder that seriously affects a person's ability to carry out daily activities. It is a collective group of symptoms which develop due to disorders which affect the brain. This disease is not specified. Those suffering from it may not have the ability to think well enough to do normal activities, such as dressing up or eating by themselves. The patients of dementia may even not be able to solve their problems themselves and even may be unable to control their emotions. Changes can be seen in their personality. The most common symptom of dementia is loss of memory.

AD develops slowly and initially affects the portion of the brain which controls language, thought and memory. The symptoms worsen with time. AD usually starts developing after 60 years of age. The risk of developing this disease increases with increasing age. If there is a family history of this disease, the risk of developing it increases further.

No treatment is yet known which can stop the disease. However, glutathione is known to help prevent the symptoms of AD from worsening.

The glutathione level in the body decreases with increasing age, thus it increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. MaxGXL helps to improve the glutathione level in the body by helping in accelerating its production by the body cells.

For more information on MaxGXL visit

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Glutathione and Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic pain illness which is distinguished by severe muscle and skeleton aches and stiffness. Pain is also accompanied by general fatigue and disturbed sleep. The patients generally feel the pain at the neck, back, shoulders, pelvic girdle and hands. However, other parts of the body can also be affected. The patients suffering from fibromyalgia suffer from different symptoms which keep on varying with time.

According to an estimation about 3% to 6% of the total population of US is suffering from fibromyalgia. In the studies it was found that more number of women of different age groups are suffering from fibromyalgia compared to the men and children.

FM is accompanied by various symptoms like pain, fatigue, sleeplessness, memory loss, lack of concentration, dizziness, depression, anxiety, sensitive skin and rashes, neurological problems etc. Fibromyalgia or any of its symptoms are not a threat to life directly. The severity of the symptoms changes with time. However, fibromyalgia is considered to be a non-progressive illness.

Glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant, detoxifier and immune booster, is found to help patients suffering from fibromyalgia. An increase in the glutathione levels in the body of the patients suffering from fibromyalgia was seen to suppress many of the symptoms.

MaxGXL is a glutathione accelerator which helps patients suffering from fibromyalgia to increase the glutathione level in their body and help the immune system to fight against the symptoms of fibromyalgia and suppress them.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Importance of antioxidant in the body

An antioxidant is a molecule which has the capability of slowing down and preventing the oxidation process of other molecules present in the body.

Oxidation is a chemical reaction that takes place within our body which produces free radicals. The free radicals attack the living healthy cells of the body and cause damage to them. The antioxidants destroy the free radicals present in the body and protect the body cells from any kind of damage.

Glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant, is a tripeptide and is found in the bodies of all humans. Glutathione is not taken in through diet but is produced by each body cell themselves. In the body, glutathione helps to destroy the free radicals formed during the oxidation process and in turn provides protection to the healthy cells.

Glutathione also plays an important role in detoxifying the liver, where all the harmful toxins gather. Depletion in the glutathione level adversely affects the proper functioning of the liver. It leads to the development of different diseases like fibromyalgia, pulmonary fibrosis etc.

Therefore to prevent diseases and to stay healthy, the presence of a good level of glutathione in the body is a must. However, glutathione levels decrease due to several reasons like old age or development of some disease.

MaxGXL is a glutathione accelerator which helps to improve and maintain a good level of glutathione in the body and thus helps us to stay healthy.

Monday, April 7, 2008

MaxGXL – The Glutathione Accelerator

Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant, immune booster and detoxifier which neutralizes the free radicals in the body, detoxifies the toxins and chemicals which enter the body and also helps the body to fight and resist various diseases.

The free radicals present in our body attack the living cells and cause harm to them. Therefore, glutathione being the body’s master antioxidant neutralizes the free radicals and provides protection to the living body cell.

Environmental pollutions, toxins and chemicals reduce the immune power of the body and make the body prone to various diseases. Glutathione helps to break down and flush out the pollutants and chemicals which enter our body and strengthen the immune system so that the body can resist diseases.

If there is a depletion of glutathione in the body the free-radicals and the damage caused by them would be uncontrollable.

MaxGXL, a glutathione accelerator, helps to increase the glutathione production in the body by the body cells through a natural process. By helping in improving the glutathione level, it helps to increase the energy level, strengthen the immune system and protect the living cells of the body.

If you want more information on MaxGXL and want to buy it at affordable prices, simply visit

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Importance of glutathione in treating various diseases

Glutathione plays a very important role in the following cases:

Sufficient supply of Glutathione is vitally important for our brain as it is one of the most important antioxidants present in the brain. Glutathione helps to protect the brain tissues from the damage caused by free radicals. It also reduces the amount of dangerous acids present in the brain. Glutathione helps to recycle vitamin E which helps in reducing the acidity formation in the brain.

Researchers have proved that glutathione is very beneficial for Parkinson’s disease patients because of its super detoxification ability. Glutathione helps to protect the brain tissues from the harmful affects of the free radicals, toxins and harmful chemicals. Even if the dopamine level is low, glutathione makes certain parts of the brain more sensitive towards dopamine.

In the case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, glutathione is proved to be beneficial for patients suffering from it because glutathione helps them to be more energetic and perform mental and physical activities by overcoming fatigue in the body.

Good levels of glutathione are also known to help patients suffering from fibromyalgia by disappearing some of its symptoms. Glutathione is also beneficial for patients suffering from cancer, HIV / AIDS, hepatitis, cataract, Alzheimer’s disease and many more.

MaxGXL helps people suffering from various diseases by improving the glutathione level in the body, which is an essential requirement for over all good health.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Multiple roles of Glutathione

Glutathione, a small molecule, is present in almost every cell of our body. It is produced by the body cells themselves from three amino acids - glycine, glutamate and cysteine.

Glutathione performs the following vitally important functions:-

  • It is the major antioxidant of the body which protects the cells from the free radicals. If these highly reactive free radicals are left free, they would cause great harm to the important sells of the body.
  • Glutathione is also the body’s important detoxifier. It helps the body to free itself from the undesirable toxins and pollutants that enter into the body through various means. It breaks down the toxins into forms which can be easily flushed out of the body. The liver and the kidneys contain high glutathione levels because they are exposed to toxins the most. The chemicals and heavy metals which can cause cancer are also flushed out of the body with the help of glutathione.
  • Glutathione has a vital role to play in maintaining a balance between oxidation and anti-oxidation which regulates the cells important functions like DNA synthesis and repair, protein synthesis, regulations of enzymes etc.
  • Glutathione being the body’s immune booster is required for carrying out many complex immune responses.

Glutathione is one of the most essential proteins present in the body and has to play a number of important roles. Its deficiency leads to the weakening of the immune system and development of various diseases. Therefore for good health the presence of high level of glutathione is a must.

MaxGXL is the only nutraceutical that will cause the body to produce over 200% more glutathione. Being that glutathione is the body’s “Master Antioxidant” the healing properties are incredible.

Never before has there ever been anything that is proven to cause the body to produce glutathione. Many Doctors are realizing the value of this incredible product .

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Improve your energy level with MaxGxl

We are surviving in a polluted surrounding. Various kinds of pollutants, toxins and chemicals enter our body everyday by some means or the other. These chemicals and harmful toxins have an adverse affect on the living cells of our body and also weaken our immune system.

Glutathione, our body’s master antioxidant, detoxifier and immune booster, is a tripeptide, which is produced by every healthy cell present in our body. Glutathione is actually composed of three amino acids, namely, cysteine, glycine and glutamic acid.

Glutathione helps us to maintain an over all good health by breaking down the free radicals which enter our body as well as by flushing out the harmful toxins. Besides these functions, glutathione is also an immune booster which strengthens our immune system and helps it to resist the various diseases.

If there is depletion in the glutathione levels in the body, the immune system weakens and the diseases easily develop. Along with the development and progression of different diseases, the energy level gets hampered due to which we are unable to perform even our day to day work.

MaxGXL can help you to improve your energy level by helping in increasing the glutathione level in the body.

There are many glutathione supplements available in the markets which are believed to increase the glutathione level in the body. But MaxGXL is the only known product that has been tested and proven to raise glutathione levels from 200% to 400%.